Birth Plan!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Mummies please can u give me examples of what you wrote for your birth plan (whether it went to plan is another story tho lol!!) because Im unsure if I have covered all areas in mine??

Muchos gracias!!

Kay :wink:
Hiya, on the back of my pregnancy pack, you know the one you gotta take everywhere with you?
It gave really good guilines

I put Who i wanted with me
*what pain relief if any
*if Oh wanted to cut cord
*if i wanted baby delivered straight on to me
*whether i wanted students to have a nosey about!!! (no i bloody din't)
I can't think of much more at the moment, if i do i'll let you know
I didn't bother with one in the end, didn't really know what to write and decided to go with the flow. My MW had checked boxes to say whether I wanted to deliver the placenta naturally or with an injection (I said naturally but needed the jab in the end as they needed to stitch me up pronto).
i didnt do a birth plan and i was never asked any questions i was just told what to do and done it :)
i would have loved Kris to cut the cord though but no one asked him they just cut it and i wanted kris to have first hold as soon as baby come out but baby was put straight onto my chest
I put on mine that I wanted the baby to have the vitamin k injection, I didn't want students because I would feel uncomfortable and that if I needed a c section I wanted my husband to be with me. That was about it.
i had the same thing as dionne i didnt write a birth plan and they just did what they wanted. i was fine with that but the only thing i was a bit annoyed about was the fact OH wanted to cut the cord and the midwife just cut it, and didnt ask him! i suppose i should have written it down!
I have no clue, my MW hasn't even mentioned a birth plan to me yet!

Thats probably cos i've not saw her for ages, they cancelled my appointment last week, just called to re-arrange for this week been told that the earliest she can see me is the 30th :x
I didn't write one coz I didn't want to be dissapointed if it didnt go to plan. And good job too coz my waters went at home 6 weeks early and out he popped 5 hours later! When I was in that much pain I couldn't of cared what happeened, as long as my Fiance and mum were there and my baby came out healthy and un-distressed. I did tell my DF to tell them no pethadine though. It's horrid stuff.
Forgot to say i would have loved Damo to be put on me straight away but it didn't happen coz he was prem :( I am gutted about that, I really wanted that to happen, but for his health they couldn't. DF still cut the cord though, they asked him xx
i loved pethidine! i was high as a kite with that and gas n wore off really quick though so i just had gas and air for the actual delivery!
cheers me dears, have written my birth plan and it makes me seem very demanding but its my birth so ill do what i want!!

have only asked for gas and air, am scared of drugs lol!! :oops: :rotfl:
so what all do you suggest Sami & Fran? I want to be out of it so i don't feel any pain whatsoever!
i would personally advise/suggest not ruling anything out and just going with the what you feel at the time because you cant possibly predict how you will feel once your in established i said i no way never would have an epidral as i was worried about the needle and catheter etc..but once i was in labour i thought to myself if they examine me and i'm only like 4cm i'm gonna have an epidural coz this is agony (luckily) i was 10 cm and bubba was coming so it was too late for more pain relief anyway and i did it on gas and air! just keep an open mind and as i said go with the flow!!

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