
Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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What are Braxton hicks like?

My bump keeps going solid. i used to think it was crumpet because it was just one place and the rest was squishy but now the whole of my bump goes really hard.

Ive got no cramps or feelings to go along with it though so i dont think its BH i was just wondering if anyone ele bump does the same?

Sounds like BH hun! I havent felt it really myself but MW told me that the bump goes hard and you get a tightening feeling, but its not painful
From what I read they are BH I get them too and I was shocked as they are painless fx for a painless labour too eh? ;)

mine are completely painless... no tightening feeling or anything.

i notice my bump is solid for quite a few minutes at a time, is that normal? and loads during the night, i was starting to worry about how much i wake up and notice that my belly is super hard.

I think it's totally normal. Body practicing the ropes ;) x
wow im a little bot shocked that its BH, i honestly thought i would have the contraction feeling to go with it! Pretty relieved that i dont then :)

I get them whenever i do anything physical, even just going to the supermarket. My tummy tightens that much now that i often have to go sit down as it kind of makes me feel winded. I personally find them very uncomfortable and a bit painful! xxx
i have cursed myself now and im getting the tightenings along with the hard bump.

I really dont like them though and they have been quite frequent today

As uncomfortable as they are hun, you do kind of get used to the feelings after a while and at least we know that it's "normal". I was so scared when it first started happening! xxx
So is this what labour starts off like? but then gets more regular and painful.

Im not really keen on the idea of posibly being in labour and just shrugging it off for BH lol.

I'm not sure hun, this is my first! When i first started getting BH i immediately asked my midwife what it was (i'd never even heard of BH before). I think that if your ever worried it could be something more you should definitely check with midwife. It's hard knowing what's normal and what's not when your new to all this isn't it! xxx
i think i may of had the most abnormal pregnancy ever...... but only because its been so good ive had nothing to complain about. i thank my lucky stars too.

I had heard of BH but i think i assumed they only happen near the end of the pregnancy and thats why i was so shocked to get them yetserday.

I got it 3 times in succession last night when I was in bed and it finally dawned on me it was Braxton Hicks. My bump just went rock hard, I could feel it spreading like a shockwave, but no pain.

I was actually idiotic enough to believe it was baby doing something before last night.
So did i ISH, i honestly though because he makes my belly hard in some places where he is lying then it must just be him, then someone wrote about BH on the forum and i though i would ask.

It happened a couple of times today again with the tightening feeling to go along with it.

Its a weird feeling x

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