No he's going to flip out. I'm going to speak to the doctors first then cross that bridge
It's all a bit confusing actually, because I've known for a while, I am fairly used to the idea.
He is going to be well upset. We actually split up a couple of years ago and have literally just this last month given things another go for the sake of the kids. I told him not to worry RE birth control because of the coil.
then the period before last was awfully heavy and clotty, like big 50p clots coming out, was awful and it was also the anniversary of Ivy's delivery (my little girl who was still born)
Then I had another period last month (15th October) which was awful, bigger clots again, one or two that I had to 'help' out and I didn't have my moon cup, so I wasn't sure if it was 'like that' as I always have my moon cup. It was debilitating.
Then since that period I've had cramps and what not and I've only felt cramps like that when pregnant.
I am relived it's nothing more, I'm hoping that I've passed the coil and not noticed? But then they're going to have to explain to me how that's happened. It was in for 3 years with no problems, I'd started having regular sex again (weekly) and now this!!