BFP - Or stupid to test so soon?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2010
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My last period started 9/06 which means I would now be on CD26.

My last couple of cycles have been 29, 33, 31, 33 and 33 days long.

I cant say when I ovulated as I really couldnt fathom my OPKs this cycle and because I've been away with work, we only BD on CD9, 12, 15 and 16.

I stupidly POAS today once I got in from work so not FMU... and have got a very faint positive. Its a pound shop cheapy, and there is a faint pink line.

I'm gonna try and not do loads and loads of tests and thought Id wait to see if AF arrives over next few days... but could this really be it?

Trying to work out how to post a pic of test
I see the second line too, time for a digi!

Congratulations :pompom:
Isn't it too early for a digi? I think the test I'm using is sensitive to 20 U/ml and am sure digi's in the UK are less sensitive.

If this cycle matched my longest, then I'm still almost a week off missing it, it's so confusing when cycles vary so much!

I did the other test from the packet this morning and I'm not sure it's looking so good. What do you think? ImageUploadedByTapatalk1341480830.902048.jpg
to get a decent second line like that i would say ur anywere past dpo13 my cheapy one like that from asda same mlu had same line from dpo12 so i think a digi would work fine and i seen some in asda double pack for 10 quid best of luck xx
That's what mine looked like and she's here now so fingers crossed for you xxx
I'm just so scared because of all the chemical pregnancies you hear about on here. They seem so common, I don't want to get my and OH hopes up.
It definitely looks like a BFP to me.
If you're worried about being disappointed and you can hold on and wait until AF would be due and then test with a digi, or a week after AF is due if that would feel better to you. It's up to you and your willpower really on when you test again.
Personally after a BFP I wouldn't be able to contain myself, but do whatever feels right to you and your OH :)
Best of luck x
Hey hun, I see the line on the other pic too! Congratulations sweetie xx
Just an update for anyone still following my fear... lol

I tested again this afternoon and the test seems to have gone darker. Actually went to buy a clearblue digital but they seem to be on offer at the minute so had sold out, I went to another supermarket and they were sold out there too - so took it as a sign.

How silly is it that I wont believe the tests and think I just have a dodgy bunch of tests tho - I guess Im just in denial and sorta protecting myself just in case something happens because I tested early. Never thought Id react like this.

Now Im not sure when to test. Im obv crazy!
i didnt beleive it till i seen those words on my digi and i had done 4 other tests and all gd lines its just normal xxx
Defo looks like my first test line! Congrats on you BFP! xx
Looks like a bfp to me! xxx
Still a little in shock as seems to have happened so unexpectedly quickly but got around to doing digi today. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1341606140.504338.jpg

Thanks so much for all your support ladies.

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