

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Does anyone know how much bending and lifting affects the baby?
I bend all the time and pick heavy things up without even realising! I got a bit worried and spoke to my mum about it (chief advice giver) and she said it shouldnt do any harm every now and again but try and be careful and get out of the habit! In Tri2 apparently they're a lot tougher than we think. Hope it helps :) xxx
It does, my husband hates when I bend, put anything against my tummy, lift or do anything that looks like my bump is being affected. It can get quite stressful sometimes because then I start to worry.
I wondered this too, I keep getting told not to Hoover but don't understand why, I'm still doing it though, obviously not like a lunatic. X
In my Bounty mag theres an advert for a special lightweight vacuum for pregnant ladies! I thought I was back in the 50's! Although our vacuum isnt that heavy, when I get a bit bigger, I should be expecting OH to take over!
The pregnancy vac was bloody expensive too xxx
Ahhh, I wondered this too.
But I moved house when I was in the early stages of pregnancy and I still lifted things etc..
I do the housework all the time, sometimes OH takes things off me when I try to move them if their heavy lol.
I still bend around and move things, fix the car and stuff just like I always did.... If I feel uncomfortable, I just stop and rest for a bit!
he thinks i will give the baby brain damage or cause it distress :(
Ahhh, I wondered this too.
But I moved house when I was in the early stages of pregnancy and I still lifted things etc..
I do the housework all the time, sometimes OH takes things off me when I try to move them if their heavy lol.
I still bend around and move things, fix the car and stuff just like I always did.... If I feel uncomfortable, I just stop and rest for a bit!

Yeah I'm pretty much the same apart from the car bit...u go woman! My hubby says 'don't do that' usually when iv nearly finished ;-)
I wouldn't worry too much, I do think there is too much propaganda these days making us pregnant women feel like we shouldn't be doing anything!

I too moved house in the early stages, before I even knew I was pregnant, and that never had an effect. The other week I was trying to push my car out of the driveway as the brakes had seized hehe! Just try and remember to bend with your knees and all that malarkey and everything will be fine! x
I don't and wouldn't stop doing normal housework or gardening stuff but would definitely avoid lifting large things like furniture or bags of soil and opt for walking it rather then lifting if I really can't wait for help . I think as long as your sensible you shouldn't end up being unable to do anything for yourself .xx
I worried about this too... But read somewhere baby is well protected. Much more than we actually realise. Now I'm further on its more difficult to bend, and do things I previously was doing. So I'm taking it that's my body not allowing it do anything that could harm the baby. But I do think with lifting heavy things that's different, I think it's quite important not to cause any strain or risk tearing a muscle or anything. One of my friends suffered a torn abdominal muscle in early pregnancy by lifting something heavy... Baby was fine. But caused her alot of grief!xx
When I bend down to pick something up, put washing in the machine etc etc I feel like I've squashed bump. But I'm pretty sure it is well protected. ......I hope. Cause nobody seems to want to help me do the shopping, cooking, cleaning, running about.

Well actually that's not true, my 5 year old nephew offered to carry my bag at the Metro Centre on Sunday bless him! Haha!

It's getting to the point now that every time i bend down it really feels like i'm squashing him to death! It's making me so paranoid that i tend to avoid bending all together if i can now :(
When I bend down to pick something up, put washing in the machine etc etc I feel like I've squashed bump. But I'm pretty sure it is well protected. ......I hope. Cause nobody seems to want to help me do the shopping, cooking, cleaning, running about.

Well actually that's not true, my 5 year old nephew offered to carry my bag at the Metro Centre on Sunday bless him! Haha!

Aww what a sweetie, i just feel bad making hubby do everything.
I'm another one who moved in the early stages of pregnancy and it didn't seem to do me any harm. I still do the housework and everything but I do have regular breaks to make sure I don't overdo it. Also my husband gets stressy if he thinks I've overdone it so I take it relatively easy and he's happy to do some of the more strenuous chores.
I had this conversation with my mum as I was scared to carry anything at the beginning, and she sensibly pointed out that women who already have children have to pick up/carry their older children when pregnant with no 2, 3, 4 etc! She said obviously not to overdo it and avoid lifting really heavy things or doing really strenuous stuff, but that baby would be absolutely fine if I needed to go and get a bag of shopping from asda or whatever :)

I work in a pub 1 night a week and I've still been mopping the floor and carrying glass trays which are quite heavy (only short distances), but I've stopped changing beer barrels as some of them you have to really push and pull with all your might, and I didn't think it was worth the risk :)
Ahem i still bend, lift things, vacuum and everything really...
If I had a 1 year old too to look after i would be carrying it, changing its bum bending on the ground etc etc... Also I don't think that women of previous generations were stop caring for the rest of the family just because Rey were pregnant...
Baby is better protected there than we think it is. Ofc to not go wild carrying heavy furniture but I see nth wrong with shopping groceries and carry them, vaccum and other every day things. The only thing that affects is my back rather than the baby lol...
i clean out our ferrets still and they have a massive 2 story run in the garage. I still hoover ( we hve a Vax Air, v v lightweight).

Hubby has just had a Hernia operation so neithe of us can lift anything too heavy! lol
Baby is well protected, so bending and lifting shouldn't be a problem. What feels like big movements to us are felt as gentle rocking to baby. And it's not different to when your not pregnant, dont bend over use your knees instead. x
I woke up the other night with pain in my upper back and chest so much so that I couldn't lay down as the pressure was so much, I sde a drs appointment an my scan was the following day everything was fine luckerly. I'm sire it was from lifting tho. I read that ur bones soften or something when pregnant so maybe its because it can effect u more then the baby

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