Being overweight

babe do not let it get you down. i am also overweight, very overweight. i have lost some due to the extreme sickness i had aha. do not let the midwife or anyone else put you down about your weight because its nothing to do with them; and as long as you eat very healthy durring your pregnancy im sure you and baby will both be fine
all my love and best best wishes xxx
My friend had a baby in October and she was a size 24 beforehand - couldn't really tell she was pregnant without knowing until right before she was due - but both she and her baby are in perfect health.
aww lovely don't worry. I got put on high risk as i was known as obese.. Im size 18!! I walked out of the hospital in tears they told me id have a difficult birth and i was putting my unborn baby at risk. When i went into labour i was in a private room which you can only use if ur low risk and the birth was easy. My waters broke at 3am on 02/11/2010 and contraction started at 5pm i was 2cm dialated at 8pm then 9cm 30 mins later. I started pushing at 9cm and only used gas and air. I was cut as my littlens head was a little to big hehe and he was born 10.05pm on that same day. They wrote my labour time at 3hours 30mins.

sorry for long post.. But trust me lovely they don't know everything. Ur midwives there to support you. I had good and bad midwives, Everyone does. And hospital maternity staff are known as hypercondriacts. Sometimes their right and sometimes their not.

my little one is healthy and im eating healthy and exercising so there's no issues :)

good luck x
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i wasnt all that big when i had my previous DS and lost a lot of weight during pregnancy due to no appetite and sickness however at 28 weeks i was diagnosed with gestational diabetes! OMG i was a wreck and thought i was such a bad mum however the midwive then explained that any one at any size can develop insulin problems durin pregnancy. I did the thumb pricks before and after each meal and they were all fine. Then gave birth to a very healthy 8lb1 baby boy who has thrived since :) So whether your big of small you can have just as healthy a pregnancy :) xxxxx (ps, you dont sound big anyway :))
aw thanks you guys! I've got my first Dr appt tomorrow morning to set up all the antenatal stuff, so hopefully I get a nice midwife!! I'm gonna take all the healthy eating advice I can from them, my OH has already lost 2lbs since our BFP because of all the healthy meals I've been feeding us! typical!!

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