I heard a nutritionist who specialises in pregnancy say that they have a "3-2-1" rule for what experts consider acceptable weight gain in pregnancy. Simply, if you were underweight (low BMI) pre-pregnancy, you should gain 3 stones, if you were in the normal weight and BMI range, you should gain 2 stones and if overweight or obese, only up to one stone.
I have put on over 2 stones already, but at 5 ft 6", I was only around 7stones 9lb when I got pregnant, so was underweight (I've been under 8 stones for 15 years or more). I am now around 10 stones.
I had a 3D scan yesterday (at 27 wks +5 days) and the baby was measuring 30 wks +5 days. The consultant said the estimated weight of the baby was 4lbs already! I can't believe that as I still have 12 weeks to go
Even the pregnancy clothes I bought at the beginning are now too tight
I feel great though and everyone keeps commenting on how healthy I look. I'm hoping to get some weight behind me for the months of breastfeeding ahead: it's exhausting enough without being underweight too. Besides, I'll be having an autumn/winter baby - no-one is going to see my wobbly bits for about 6 months anyway, so plenty of time to worry about all that later.
I have put on over 2 stones already, but at 5 ft 6", I was only around 7stones 9lb when I got pregnant, so was underweight (I've been under 8 stones for 15 years or more). I am now around 10 stones.
I had a 3D scan yesterday (at 27 wks +5 days) and the baby was measuring 30 wks +5 days. The consultant said the estimated weight of the baby was 4lbs already! I can't believe that as I still have 12 weeks to go

I feel great though and everyone keeps commenting on how healthy I look. I'm hoping to get some weight behind me for the months of breastfeeding ahead: it's exhausting enough without being underweight too. Besides, I'll be having an autumn/winter baby - no-one is going to see my wobbly bits for about 6 months anyway, so plenty of time to worry about all that later.