How much weight have we all gained?

I heard a nutritionist who specialises in pregnancy say that they have a "3-2-1" rule for what experts consider acceptable weight gain in pregnancy. Simply, if you were underweight (low BMI) pre-pregnancy, you should gain 3 stones, if you were in the normal weight and BMI range, you should gain 2 stones and if overweight or obese, only up to one stone.

I have put on over 2 stones already, but at 5 ft 6", I was only around 7stones 9lb when I got pregnant, so was underweight (I've been under 8 stones for 15 years or more). I am now around 10 stones.

I had a 3D scan yesterday (at 27 wks +5 days) and the baby was measuring 30 wks +5 days. The consultant said the estimated weight of the baby was 4lbs already! I can't believe that as I still have 12 weeks to go :shock: Even the pregnancy clothes I bought at the beginning are now too tight :(

I feel great though and everyone keeps commenting on how healthy I look. I'm hoping to get some weight behind me for the months of breastfeeding ahead: it's exhausting enough without being underweight too. Besides, I'll be having an autumn/winter baby - no-one is going to see my wobbly bits for about 6 months anyway, so plenty of time to worry about all that later.
ok I am a true fatty!! I gained 3 and half stone during my pregnancy. I contribute a lot of that to giving up smoking, but even so!
I still don't smoke (a few when I'm drunk :oops: ) but I have lost 21lbs on slimming world.........................only 28lbs to go!
with this pregnancy i just had i gained st and 1/2 now lost it and still got some fat left to shift and weight in boobs to klose if my boobs werent sore. sore from her latching on and now sore cause tehy full of milk.

mw wants me to try her on them again gonna try 3times a day me thinks. i want her on breast not formula :)

no rant please :) prefer peace :P

Sorry to hear that you're having problems breastfeeding. Your nipples shouldn't be sore if she's latched on properly? Good on you for perservering with it. It takes so much more effort from the mum to breastfeed, but it really is worth it if you can get it established. I hope that you manage to get there in the end, but don't be too hard on yourself if you don't. A less stressed mum is more important to a baby than how she gets her milk, so don't put too much pressure on yourself if it doesn't work out as planned.

I lost 22lb between finding out i was pregnant and then my booking in appointment, (6-14 weeks)
Since then i've gained just under 9lb, so kinda lost a stone and a half really :?
I was a little heavy, 120 kilos but i went down to 106 just before I got pregnant. So I lost just over 2 stone but during my pregnancy, up until now, I have only gained 7 kilos, which is 1 stone, not a lot of weight for the stage I am at.

Makes me wonder if I am suppose to e having a big baby, wouldn't I have gained more?
hi with my first i put on 4 stone :shock: and never lost it all did shift most of it tho. this time ive put on 1stone 8lbs so really pleased as they reckon in books baby and placenta waters etc weighs approx 1 and a half stone give or take so hopefully i will lose all weight and can finish my dieting from the first pregnancy lol.

i havent weighed myself durin pregnancy tho becus i dont think it matters as long as me and baby are healthy, i only know becus mw insists on weighin me everytime i go becus apparently at 12stone pre-pregnancy i am obese (great :roll: )

i have eaten exactly what i have wanted to also especially at the moment becus gettin cravings for cold hot dog sausages or cold rice pudding lol.

dont worry too much about the weight gain, most of it just falls off. i lost 2st in 2 weeks without trying! i gained at least 3 during pregnancy tho lol, sso till a bit to go!
i've gained 2st and 4 pounds so far still got 7 weeks to go. hope i don't put on much more :pray:
Well I've just weighed myself and I've put on exactly 3 stone :lol: . It doesn't bother me though as I was pretty slim to start with and it all seems to be on my bump. I haven't been able to do anything during my pregnancy because of the SPD so a bit of spreading of the bum and thighs is to be expected.
Hmm..just been reading the thread and a bit alarmed....

I have put on about 3 stone was size 10 before and now really really scared its going to be all fat and i am never going to shift it...eeeeeek

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