Weight gain


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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Is it normal to not put on any weight in the first trimester? saw my midwife today for the first time and he has referred me to the hospital to see a consultant as my BMI is 19.4. I haven't put on any weight since becoming pregnant and I am now nearly 11 weeks.

I eat really well, have had a little bit of morning sickness, but everything normal otherwise. I weighed the same for years...

Do I need to worrry? Should I be trying to eat more? I'm definitely not underweight, weigh 56kg and am 5ft 7 inches...

I thought you didn't put on weight until the 2nd trimester?
lucky you!!! :D dont worry your baby will take what it needs , they just panic over everything ... u cant help ur always thin, i am allowed to hate you a lil for it tho!! ;) xx
I have to see a consultant coz my BMI is over 30!! Your BMI is normal to me, your not classed as over weight until it goes over 25. How strange that you have been reffered because of it xx
At 10 weeks I wouldn't have expected you to have put on much weight at all. Maybe like a pound or two at most if you are naturally thinner (and i'll hate you for that too ;))

With my first I actually LOST weight. I weighed less when I was 9 months pregnant than i did when I was 5 weeks!!
i think its cos they think shes on the small side for 3 months preg TL. but its still normal enough. xx
Yes underweight rather than overweight seems to be the problem!

As long as everyone else hasn't put on loads of weight in the first trimester I guess I shouldn't worry! Am sure it said in my pregnancy bible that most woman don't and can actually lose weight due to morning sickness!

My scan is on Tuesday so just hope that it shows that everything is okay with our little baby...
Is it normal to not put on any weight in the first trimester? saw my midwife today for the first time and he has referred me to the hospital to see a consultant as my BMI is 19.4. I haven't put on any weight since becoming pregnant and I am now nearly 11 weeks.

I eat really well, have had a little bit of morning sickness, but everything normal otherwise. I weighed the same for years...

Do I need to worrry? Should I be trying to eat more? I'm definitely not underweight, weigh 56kg and am 5ft 7 inches...

I thought you didn't put on weight until the 2nd trimester?

try not to worry about it...with a first baby you may be able to keep everything tucked in for a while longer yet lol. I cant remember when I started showing with ds, but do remember everyone telling me how neat I was...was there a baby in there etc etc. If only they knew what was coming loooooooool

Dont worry xx
Hi Frances, I'm 11 weeks as well and haven't put on any weight at all. I'm 5'6" and 54kg. With my first I didn't put on any weight until the second trimester, and until the end I could fit into my size 8 jeans (just with the button undone!)
Don't worry about it, you're totally normal. At least you haven't gained 6 stone already!
Honey i lost weight in the first trimester because of severe sickness, about a stone, i've put on half a stone in trimester two so far, but still weigh less than i did when i started. Its also normal to worry, i still worry about everything. but so far my babys looking good and active, i feel it move around loads now, so me loosing weight doesn't seem to have effected the baby.
With my first pregnancy I lost a kilo in the first three months, this time I have gained 3lbs. Don't worry, you sound perfectly fine to me :)

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