Been to the doctors today


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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I went two months ago and they told me to come back after two more cycles if I'm still not ovulating, so cycle 7 of having periods but no ovulation. So she said they will do blood tests, having one on Thursday(day 4) then one on day 21. Inbetween she told me to make oh go to his docs and get a semen analysis as after bloods they won't take anymore action till he's been given the all clear, so was quite relieved that she said they would do our tests even though not been trying a year. I know what the results of bloods are gonna be, but what worries me is that she said the fact I'm not ovulating will have nothing to do with the pill, she said if I'm not ovulating now I probably never have!!!!!???? Is it just me or does that sound really scary and like it's a serious problem? She said there is plenty of things they can try to encourage ov like chlomid but it's getting further and further away, And I feel so powerless. Anyone else been in a similar position?

Sorry for long ranting post
i have just been to the doctors and have to have a blood test on day 21 also. (or after ov). i have never tested whether i have ov'd or not but took your advice and got some ov sticks to check. so far nothing and i am currently d17 of a 31 day cycle.

starting to get really worried myself.

all i can suggest hun is what i am trying to do and wait till you go and get the results and they can explain further. it will not help anything for you to worry and get stressed about it. i know its easy to say and i am struggling but try not to think about it too much.

my oh doesnt know im going to get tested so am waiting on my results before asking him to get checked.

good luck hun and here if you want to talk.

nadia xxx
Thank you Nadia, and your right, there is no point worrying till we know what's what. I think I will just try to not think about it and not temp or chart this month and just relax, I can't change anything so might aswell just relax and go with the flow (easier said than done)

Thanks for your reply and I really wish you all the best with your results too hun

Sorry no advice but didnt want to read and run. I hope things turn out how you want ang good luck for the future hun xx
its probs not the same but when i missed two periods my doc done a few tests and as wev had unpretected sex for two years he said to me he was worried i havent ovulated, may not ovulate or never will.. really worrying, (sorry) i dont really know where i stand with this but i had an ultrasound to check ovaries,etc and all is fine, got an app with doc this week to see what else they can do, but since last visit ive had my af so i dunno where things stand now, dont think ive actually helped, but i know how u feel.. x
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wow lrb, how cruel, two missed periods??? so easy to convince yourself your pregnant. And it is the same, It is scary when they say about you not ovulating, especially if they say you might never have done, but glad all your tests came back fine, hope mine do too. Good to know im not the only one in limbo regarding ovulation so thanks for your reply and all the best to you honey x
It's horrible isn't it? I really hope they can shed some light on it for you and that they are dealing with it for you quickly.

I haven't had an AF in 9 months so have specialist referral too. It's a bummer when you feel like your body's letting you down ey? :-( xx

Hope it all goes well for you girls and you get some answers and some positive action can be taken for you xx
I hope you get some answers hun :hug: good luck x
hey i am in exactly the same boat as you its so confusing.iv been told to wait till my app with the fertility clinic and my oh check but i need answers now lol xx

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