Been in hospital


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Just want to say sorry I didn't text none of my text buddies I was in too much pain.

Well anyway I woke up at 6:30 this morning with really bad pains in my bum back and bottom of my stomache, which I just thought was the cramp pains.

So I lay in bed thinking I will wait till 9.00am to see how I get on because I didnt wan't to wake him up so early, Anyway couldn't handle it as I realised I was having contractions 6 minutes apart... So I rang him and told him I am going to hospital as I can't handle the pain ( my pan threshold is shit):wall2:.. he told me to ring maternity first and see what they said.. so I rang and they told me to go to Delivery suite:shock: then that was it I really thought I was in labour.

I got my hospital bag and hand held notes and headed upto the hospital .. I must say I was seen very quick.. I arrived at hospital at 8:10am and was seen at 9:30am.. Midwife asked if she could feel my belly and why she was feeling I was having a contraction she said she could feel my stomache tightening, I couldn't get the hang of breathing through contractions though I was holding my breath crying, she was going mad saying "come on charlene baby needs oxygen". Then a doctor came to give me a internal and AGAIN I have really bad thrush, so I have been given a vaginal tablet and external soothing cream and also I was asked if i was on iron tablets because I appeared "pale" I said no.. then midwife at the hospital said to me well here in your notes it says you should have been on iron tablets weeks ago:shock: my midwife from my doctors surgery had written in my notes that I had low iron levels and that she had prescribed me with iron tablets when she hadn't give me nothing!!

by 10:00am the pains disappeared and they said I could go home (thank god I hate hospitals) .. but they told me that if i have any more pains.. liquor loss then I must go in straight away

also baby is 1/5 engaged!!! he managed that in 2 days:dance:
Gosh that must have been scary for you. Glad you are back at home now though - i'm impressed with your baby's fast engagement!
oh sheesh,

at least ur at home now, and he is engaged, well done little man!!

hope u dont get any more scares like that until he decides its time to arrive,

How scary, you did the right thing though and hopefully you wont have any more scares until he's fully done and properly on his way!
Me too :D .. even though i am still in pain now sort off and i keep going for a wee
blimey what a morning you had Charlene! did you drive yourself to the hosp while contracting? please be careful hun

really pleased all was well
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Oh wow only 1/5th of the head left to go woot! I was 2/5ths when I went into labour so baby is even thurther down than chloé was :D good you got your thrush treatment and now have iron tablets though on the up side ey! Xxx

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wow what a manic day glad things have calmed down a bit now take it easy x
Oh wow only 1/5th of the head left to go woot! I was 2/5ths when I went into labour so baby is even thurther down than chloé was :D good you got your thrush treatment and now have iron tablets though on the up side ey! Xxx

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Bloodyhell!!!! that means 4/5th of the babies head is in my pelvis he managed that in 2 days! just shows you can't predict whats going to happen with these little tikes! .. How long do you think i will go now then ? because I think im in slow labour plus lost abit of pinkish discharge today

I thought it went 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 and then 5/5 being fully engaged :O
Hehe me too Charlene, nice surprise though eh?
Only just caught up with this thread, hope you are feeling better about things now, doesn't seem like it'll be too long for you now, how exciting!!! And scary cos you were one of the people who joined the forum at the same time as me, so it reminds me I could have things happening any day too (probably won't though, think lizzie is planning a long stay) :-P

Are you worried about him coming early at all or just accepting he'll do what he wants? :-P lol
Hey hon, glad to hear things settled down and glad ur sorted with iron tablets etc. x x x
Like becky ur post shocked me into finishing my hospital bag this weekend although i doubt i will go before or on time he is too confy in my ribs!
Wow u poor thing! How scary for u! Glad all has settled down now hun :hugs: How stupid is ur midwife not giving u iron tablets!!! Good job u've got them now. If baby is 1/5th engaged, then think that means on 1/5th in pelvis and 4/5th's palpable, outside pelvis, how did they write it in ur notes?? x x
well at 28 wk he was 5/5 and in my notes it says length lie cephalic presentation and 1/5 engaged
thats very confusing?? 1/5 engaged means 1/5 is in pelvis, maybe they wrote it as palpable the first time meaning they could feel the whole head so none of it was engaged?? :eh: x x
Hmmm I don't know cos it dosen't say palpable next to it or anything just what I have written above, I will ask them as I have a scan on 5th November :P So I will ask them to tell me how much of he's head is in pelvis and they should tell me shouldnt they?

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