Becoming homeless


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2014
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I have a major problem and I just don't know what else to do. Basically I am renting a room, over a year now. I have been ill a lot (in the hospital) and I have no savings left as I used them to pay rent a few times. I am a single mom, my family is in another country, all I have is friends from work. I can't afford to rent anything again until I get benefits after baby is born. My landlords first said it was okay to stay with the baby, but then they said I can't bring the baby home. Means as soon as I am in labor, I am homeless. I begged them to give me a month to find another place, but they won't let me bring the baby as it will make noise to other people.
I registered on housing register and I am in band C, but it seems very hopeless. I went to the council, but man who talked to me was very rude and basically said I have to become homeless to get any sort of help, that they will move me to bed and breakfast and then different hostels in very bad areas for 2 years until they find me through my housing register a property.

I am very scared where I am going to go when I am last weeks pregnant. I am hoping there is some options I don't know about, or it is a very unfortunate situation.

Any ideas or anything helpful would be so much appreciated.
Oh Wow that's awful where do you live? I hope you sort something out they surely can't kick you out can they?xx
They can kick me out, cause they live with me in their house. I read everywhere they are allowed to. I live in New Malden right now, trying to get something in Kingston area as that's where I work.
What about the council shouldn't you be high priority if they kicking you out? Where I live because I was pregnant I was high priority xx
Have a look at Shelter website hun and local housing authorities. My local council do a bond scheme where they loan you the band that you pay back in affordable amounts to help you get a private rent and housing benefit will help. Because you will have a child it is unlikely they will have you in temp accommodation for two years. Alse you could try citizens advice. Hope that helps hun. Id also suggest you get a letter saying that you can no longer stay there and show that to them. Good luck hun. X
id see citizens advice
but also i would get written proof of your landlord and ask them for it in writing and take the proof to the council - who will also deal with housing associations they might be listed on the site where you login or registered too for housing. Then there is proof you will become homeless and obviously your maternity letter etc and ask them to sort something out failing that have a word with your midwife hun and explain she will know the right connections xx
Oh my goodness. Sorry to hear you're in such an utterly crap situation honey. You need a letter from your landlord so you have it in writing that you're being made unintentionally homeless. Go back to the council with that letter, which should clearly state the date that you will be made to leave. Get your landlord to say that on XXth XXXX 2014 you will be asked to return your keys and will no longer have access to the house so your belongings should be gone by then. You will go STRAIGHT to the top of the housing list as an unintentionally homeless pregnant female. Can you claim anything due to your illness? Try not to panic. It's a horrid, horrid situation but there are people who can help you. Also, definitely make an appointment with the Citizens Advice Bureau. Take care xxx
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I already have a letter from my landlord, but I haven't been to council again yet, as I didn't want to run into that man again who was so rude last time. Last time I went to citizen advise bureau they told me they can't help me, but I might try again. I seem to be very unlucky with this. Thanks everyone, I will keep trying. x
It does sound like you've been really unfortunate with who you've spoken to. Go back to the council with your letter. Ask to speak to someone who will listen to your story and advise you about what to do next. Cry. There is no way they should be turning you away under the circumstances. I really can't understand why the CAB said they couldn't help you either. Is that because you aren't entitled to any benefits? They're normally a bit more compassionate than that - they should have contacts for organisations that might be able to help you. I would definitely go back again and turn on the waterworks to see if that gets you anywhere.
as my lullaby said its always unfortunate who you speak too these days even though they work for the same place it happened to me this week! one lady really helpful other told me nothing she could do ...

id definately go back and stress the urgency of the situation the council should be able to put you to a band 1/2 xxx
The way it works in my council is your landlord needs to give you a section21 order. Even then, the landlord would still need to go to court to have you evicted if you didn't move out on the date they've told you to leave. If you leave before the court has got involved, my council class you as making yourself intentionally homeless. If you wait till the court evicts you, you would get the top level of priority and they would place you in a hostel or b&b until a property came up that you are the highest bidder for.
I know you're hard up on cash but is it possible for you to get legal advice?

I'm pretty sure it's against fundamental human rights (specifically the right to a family life) to be kicked out of your rented residence just because you're having a baby!
I will go to the council again next week, I will try to get my friend from work to come with me, as she managed to get council to help her before, but it was 15 years ago. If they say the same thing I will see if I can do anything else. My financial situation is very bad at the moment, I barely afford enough food. It's very embarrassing how poor I am :(
Hey Hun.
I'm so sorry your in this situation.
I previously worked as family support worker for the council (Stockport) but I'm not sure if you have such service in your area.
We would support people in your situation. Maybe contact your local sure start centre or social services as they should be able to signpost you or even write you a letter to get you more points for housing.
Unfortunately families can be in temp accommodation (bedsit, hostel or homeless family unit) for up to a year and upto 2 in London areas! They see it as a roof over your head and will only provide basic.
You should qualify for some rent deposit scheme but you really need to get in touch with your local council to see what's on offer where you are.
Could you stay with father of children or his family?
I will keep trying! No, father of my child has a wife and 3 kids, he will not help me at all. All I have is friends from work and no one has space in their homes for me :( If it was only for a few days, but it's over 2 months. Landlords are worried I might have the baby early so they are kicking me out two months before due date.
I will keep trying! No, father of my child has a wife and 3 kids, he will not help me at all. All I have is friends from work and no one has space in their homes for me :( If it was only for a few days, but it's over 2 months. Landlords are worried I might have the baby early so they are kicking me out two months before due date.

Oh dear! Could you contact him at all to see if he could help a bit with money?

Landlord sounds bloody awful! I think you need to get to the council or shelter to get advice. Xx
No the last time we spoke he told me he won't do anything to help as he doesn't want his wife to find out. Before baby is born I am staying away from them. He tried to force me to have an abortion when I got pregnant, this baby doesn't exist to him. I might try to borrow money from my boss, she seems a nice lady, and try to return it when I get benefits.
What a rotten swine!
It's such a predicament your in and I wish I could help.
The only thing I can suggest is your family, friends or the local council.
If your struggling for food there should be a local food bank and they are absolutely amazing there, helpful and aren't judgemental. Maybe try them for support? Xxxx
Thank you x x I really appreciate everyone's kind words, I will keep trying my best for my little one. It really means a lot to know I have support even if it's online. I do feel quite ashamed I am not financially prepared and alone in this situation, but I am glad I am not judged for it.
Shame you don't live closer to me I have spare room u could of stayed in.. u got any family?xx

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