Bathing tips


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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We are going to bath Bertie for the first time today (I say "we", it's "we" if my OH is still alive by then lol). We are going to get the plastic bath support and bathe him in our bath. We've got baby bubble bath and will use a bath thermometer. Am doing it mainly to wash his hair, he has a few little spots on his scalp, can I use cradle cap shampoo as a prevention or am I best off just using normal baby shampoo?

Bertie still panics when he's naked so not totally sure how he'll react bless him xxxxxxxx
We put Gs bath warmer that the 37 they suggest. It just feels too cold (and if it's not warm she screams blue murder)

Another tip is put towel on the radiator to eat up so he's warm when he gets out. Xxx
Yeah 37 seems very cold and he's so skinny he can't regulate his temp well anyway
Yeah we have it warmer, we also let him watch the water run into the bath which he loves!! We give him some toys to hold too but your little one might be too little to hold them but maybe something bright in the water might distract him!!
Yeah we have bath Warner or O screams
I would use normal shampoo unless he gets cradle cap :)
We also have it a bit warmer.

The first bath we did we had the support in but Harry hated it (could be cos he was small he couldn't hold himself up well)

So we took the support out and hubby just let him float by holding the back of his head/neck with one hand

We have it deep enough so Harry can float and hubby can push him up and down the bath iykwim

He loves it especially if you let him put his feet against the side so he can push off!!

Good luck xxxxx
Evie loves it warmer as well - you might be surprised by his reaction! She was screaming like we were trying to murder her last night but the second her feet touched the water she was calm. I voted leaving her in there all night but OH called me cruel... (!!) lol. We don't actually use shampoo yet, just take a sponge and squeeze the water with the baby bath bubbles in over her head. Although she has got a lot of hair so maybe we should be using shampoo??
Helly we don't use shampoo just the bubbles from the bath and Harry's got a right head of hair!
Another tip be all smiley etc even if u feel worried etc cos they take there cues from u x

O used to scream in the bath but now he loves it :)
Thanks ladies! Got everything ready, turned round and he's flat on his back snoring his head off :roll: will try again tomorrow evening lol
Bless him! Gonna make DH give Henry his bath tomorrow as a practice run for his new routine of bathing him every night. It's gonna be their male bonding. I've decided. :lol:

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