Dry Skin


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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Jake has a patch of really dry skin inbetween his eyebrows. It is flaking off so looks awful. The HV and MW told me to use olive oil on his dry skin just after he was born, but I'm not sure if I should use olive oil on his face. Is there anything I can use to try and moisturise his face?

Also, at the moment when I bathe him I am just using plain water and I use Baby shampoo to wash his hair. When did you start using baby bubble bath etc for your babies baths? He seems to enjoy having a bath so I thought the bubble bath etc would make it more fun for him.
Charley had very dry skin and olive oil just made him smell like a chippy! We used oilatum and within a couple of days the dryness went.
I didn't use bubble bath for quite a while because he also had sensitive skin but it's fine to use stuff after a week x x
Thanks, I'll nip to boots tomorrow to get some oilatum. I've never heard of that before.
AJ has dry skin.
When he was born we used olive oil on his body and vasaline on his face, worked a treat. Using bubble bath made his skin worse. We now use halo and horns or simple products as his skin doesnt seem to react/dry out with those.
yeah oilatum is fab! its pricey tho think i paid £10 then found out u can get it on script from ur gp tho too :) and extra virgin olive oil defo does work too , i used the johnsons baby bath but now were on to matey for sensitive skin(she has eczema) and its not annoyed her at all!! :) xx
We used oilatum for the bath and oilatum cream (both on prescription from health visitor) and it cleared up his skin quickly. I still use plain water as he sometimes drinks the bath water, but put bubble bath on a sponge to wash him xx
Emily also gets oilatum cream on prescription :) it's helped clear her dry skin really quick. I'm just using s needed atm
My son has always had dry skin - try and get some Oilatum on prescription from your doctors. I found vaseline very good too. Very greasy obviously but worked a treat! xx
I used product in the bath from about a week old. I always massage baby oil all over his body after his bath. He loves it. xx
i use johnsons naturals intense moisture cream its in a pale green bottle/ tub and is not too greasy either!!
I'm going to bath him using bubble bath tonight, also bought some oilatum which is working on his dry skin already so will keep on with that. It's only a tiny bit of dry skin between his eyebrows so will massage the rest of him in baby oil after his bath tonight.
Jack had dry skin on his hands & feet when he was born so we used olive oil on them. After his1st (plain) bath he got a dry belly so we bought some oilatum which works a treat. We've used bubble bath, bath wash and shampoo on him from a week old. He gets very greasy hair so I can't just use water to wash his hair. He now has dry skin on his forehead and i'm putting olive oil on it every morning when I get him dressed and every night when I get his undressed ready for bed, it's working really well! :)

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