bath your baby


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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last night at parent class the MW said that the "new" thing is that they are not to bath the baby, as recomendations are that a baby shouldnt be bathed until its 1 week old? I do agree that all this pruducts are un nessasary and also i agree a new born baby dont need to bath all the time but SURELY after 9 month in your tummy, covered in all sort of stuff coming out.. you want him bathed and cleaned??

She said she likes to Give them a bath anyway but they are not supposed to?
I said to Demba that im not gonna have Noa for a week without a good scrub!

what do you reakon?
I've never heard not to bath a baby until a week old! Lacey had a bath at 2 days old!! You can top and tail the baby so wipe over with cotton wool but I'd prefer bathing him! They get stinky and it's also nice to have the bath in thier bedtime routine!
I've never heard of this either.

Top and tail is fine but when they got blood and gunk in their hair after coming out they need a bath!
I bathed DD when she was 2 days old! I will probably do the same again this time. Obviously you wouldn't bath them every day but not bath them at all?! Strange how things change isn't it?
she said its about all this product we are introducing to them way to early and that they are not even aloud baby shampoo on the ward anymore.
Its not just that i would like them to show me how to bath him aswell as im all new to this!
And there is a high chance Noa will have alot of hair and i want all that blood and that washed away before i leave the ward! Then after that i dont mind waiting a while to i bath him again unless he really needs one ofcourse.
I bathed my son at 2 days at the hospital but they did ask if I wanted babybath products or just water and I did choose just the water for the first weeks. But I'm sure that the products don't do any harm.
I'm just looking at my NCT handout and it says bath baby after 1-2 weeks. But doesn't say why?
Toby was top and tailed for 10 days. the gunk in his hair was brushed out.

Toby hated getting changed, I think more cos his cord was sore where the clamp was, and also they say to keep the cord area dry. He didn't need bathing and when he did eventually get one he loved it, I am sure cos we waited until he was used to a bit more by then :D
im gonna bath jack. There human just like us, if we start not doing things and over worrying then its not going to help the baby. The products wouldn't be allowed on the market if they were dangerous in any way. Things change to much these days x
I agree K&A,

im gona bath the little person as part of there routine everyday, its didnt hurt me, or my OH and my SIL's little girl, she is now 1 and hasnt got sensitive skin, or alergic to anything etc, so i dont think a bit of water or baby shampoo does anyharm :)

i was told the same isobel i gave keyan a bath second night and i gave him a bath this morning but i havent used any products on him the midwife told me not even to use baby wash i got mad stuff called babies first bath but i just clean him with a little cloth no shampoo or anything.:)
im not gonna bath noa everyday, not until he is a little older few month old or so. I dont think its nessacery and i dont think it does them any good (prob not any harm either) But i want him bathed after birth, absolutly!
My son was born with crusty hair looool, and i was cringing when my father turned up for a cuddle. he smelt a bit funny too :lol:

we never got the bounty photo done because of his crusty hair and it is something i've always regretted.

I say...Bath them!!!!
Toby was top and tailed for 10 days. the gunk in his hair was brushed out.

Toby hated getting changed, I think more cos his cord was sore where the clamp was, and also they say to keep the cord area dry. He didn't need bathing and when he did eventually get one he loved it, I am sure cos we waited until he was used to a bit more by then :D

just noticed what you said about toby's cord...we called nhs24 because we thought something was seriously wrong with our LO 3 days after birth and screaming for hours on end. all we could see that looked sore was the cord stump coming away. they told me the stump has no nerves in it so cant possible hurt. we felt very stupid indeed, and spent the next couple of months learning all about colic (which is what it turned out to be lol)
My ba will be bathed asap - it never did my little boy any harm. Babies do need to be bathed regulary as they be sick, etc and I feel hygiene is important. I never heard of this until now !!xx
Toby was top and tailed for 10 days. the gunk in his hair was brushed out.

Toby hated getting changed, I think more cos his cord was sore where the clamp was, and also they say to keep the cord area dry. He didn't need bathing and when he did eventually get one he loved it, I am sure cos we waited until he was used to a bit more by then :D

just noticed what you said about toby's cord...we called nhs24 because we thought something was seriously wrong with our LO 3 days after birth and screaming for hours on end. all we could see that looked sore was the cord stump coming away. they told me the stump has no nerves in it so cant possible hurt. we felt very stupid indeed, and spent the next couple of months learning all about colic (which is what it turned out to be lol)

that is interesting, i think it was more uncomfy where the clip was rubbing against his tummy (typing while feeding so didn't say what i meant :flower:) cos as soon as it came of he was a lot more settled while being washed, dressed and changed
all i have heard is you should not bath them within 24 hours.

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