

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Every morning I wake up and start the day off feeling not too bad by the time I watch Jezza I am exhausted agin but always force myself to do something around the house (just to keep active), howver by teatime each night I just feel uncomfortable and huge it is a struggle to put one foot in front of the other however I always try and plan my bath before the soaps start about 7pmish and as soon as I have a nice warm bath and get in my PJ's I actually do feel comfortable and relaxed! The bath seems to really relax me and the baby and by the time I am hitting bed I am nice relaxed and after reading for a while totally passed out!! I think I may eitrher spend the rest of my 4 weeks of this pregnancy in the bath or in bed!!:dance:
Baths def are a great way of getting muscles and mind to relax, I can spend ages in the bath - and it's great having one in the middle of the day knowing everyone else is at work! :lol:

Are you having a water birth out of interest?
Baths def are a great way of getting muscles and mind to relax, I can spend ages in the bath - and it's great having one in the middle of the day knowing everyone else is at work! :lol:

Are you having a water birth out of interest?

No I havent even been offered that to be honest but I dont know why but I just dont fancy that. I must have a bath every night at the minute usually start the day off with a shower too min think it wakes me up!! Nothing at night like a bath, pj's and big fluffy dressing gown, tele, wee cup of camomile tea, bed and a good novel!! I am getting old and boring I think lol!!
I usually take a bath daily, whether it is in the morning or evening :) It totally helps to relax me and ease some of the back pain i have been experiencing. I would like to have a water birth too!
Totally agree with you here, I love baths , and we have had a freind help us the last two weeks do ours , and we now have a new white bath and sink and loo,(ones that work and run water! I love it, I had not had a bath since before I was pregnant, (had to have hose downs from a plastic tube from the sink taps! before you say smelly cow!) so now have them every evening, and sometimes twice a day!!! horrayy for bubble baths , just had one and now in bed with PJ's and my mate PF - doesnt get any better
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I use Asda little Angels baby bath in my baths (I have exma so I use baby stuff to keep my skin happy) and have them nice and warm and sit in them with my iPhone on this forum believe it or not! I love bath time and have one whenever I can. I am really hoping for a water birth too! X
Hey hun im in the bath as we speak...its defo relaxin just seem to get too hot too quickly which is annoyin so will try for lil bit longer!!! Nice idea to hav it few hrs before stayin at mums so try n hav one before everyone gets home ..just got power shower at ours...bk at mine from nxt wk muminlaw bk lol xxxxahhhhh xxx
I can no longer get out of the bath myself so need to wait till OH is around to help me out :lol:
Its only 18.38and I cant wait to 8 pm to get in the bath!! Would be earlier but have to take Tre to Halloween Party for 8 and my mums picking him up again so I can get me bath, then watch Dont Tell The Bride, Hollyoaks later and then bed with a new novel!!! My perfect evening ! Hubbie is on last night of nightshift so no peace after tonight he sits up to all hrs watching tele and I cant sleep when hes runbling about the house like Big Foot!

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