Bah, back at hospital


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Well i didnt think I'd be back here so soon!! Community midwife has sent me back to the hospital for my boof stitches.

Gutted is not the word! Good job I asked her to check them isn't it?

I knew they were gaping but now they are infected apparently. I'm well miffed, have tried my best to keep them clean etc. I don't want a mangled vajayjay though so good job it has been spotted.
Poor you! I hope they take care of you! Xx
What are they doing about it? Mine all burst and got infected but they didn't re stitch me or anything. Just gave me antibiotics. Six weeks on I am still not sorted :( xx
Aw no!!

They haven't done anything but give me anti bs and told me they will take longer to heal. He said the muscle had knit together well it is just the bit on the surface which is gaping slightly :(

Do you need yours re-stitching?
Apparently it's starting to heal now but I have to be seen again in three weeks and decision will be taken then whether I need surgery or not x
Aw no!

I hope it has healed well.

I have to go back next week to have them checked again :(
as if the labour bit isnt bad enough.......then you have to be SO sore afterwards too!! whilst trying to get used to a little's xx
:hugs: mine became infected after my first daughter all i got given was anti~b's and told to take salt baths everyday, but rest assured it does heal eventually and nothing ends up mangled xxx
Mine is do bloody sore still. All stingy and the whole area round the cut right up to my pubic bone still feels all tender and bruised :(

I cant imagine ever being pain free again and having sex again :( xx
Mine were infected luckily they healed well with antibs. Just wanted to say I feel your pain

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Oh no thats horrible :hugs: hope your ok hun. xxx
How long did it take hon?

Not sure if you was asking me this or not lol, if you were personally i cant remember cos it was nearly 13yrs ago :shock:

Couple of months to be totally back to normal i think xx
I had lots of problems with my episiotomy and stitches. They came undone after 3 days. I kept saying to mw that something wasn't right but she palmed me off that it just takes longer to heal. It ended up getting infected too :-(

My dr said at 6 weeks things definitely weren't right and that I could be referred to hospital but it would take a while and with moving abroad I wanted to be seen quickly so went privately. The consultant said I would need to have it 'refashioned' but that they normally like you to wait until at least 6 months so that more healing can take place (she said they don't like to cut through scar tissue so leaving it til then was better, I don't know why this is though)

It took 4/5 months before I wasn't in pain/discomfort with it. I have spoken to dr out here and she has said if I'm not in pain then I should just carry on as normal, but it's still not right, I get a weird rush of air sometimes (it's hard to explain) but if I turn over in bed or when I get out of bed it happens. I'm having my smear done next week so going to get her to see what she thinks.

Gosh sorry for the essay. It will get better and also the first time we had sex it didn't hurt which I was surprised about although it took 5 months until I felt comfortable to let him down there lol
thanks ladies.....glad to know there is light at the end of the tunnel..oh wrong tuen of phrase!!! lol xx

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