Bad luck to bring pram home...?

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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My Aunt has had my travel system since I was about 26 weeks, we bought the car seat home to play around and fit it in to the car and she has kept the pram, stroller part. I'm seeing her tomorrow, probably for the last time before I have bubs, is it bad luck to bring the pram home with us?

I know it's a silly old wives tale but I don't wanna jinx myself! :roll:
We've had the pram here for weeks :) Just been shut away in the store room xx
Thanks Heppi, Al said we can put it down in the cellar; our Moses Basket was down there for about 10 weeks no probs so I think we will bring it back - excited I get to play with it again! x
I've had mine up and in his room for ages!!! Bring it home!! Xx
Baby Billington will soon be in it, with mummy and daddy pushing it around!!... Exciting!!! X
My dad had ours until I was about 37 weeks pregnant. If something is going to happen it'll happen regardless of whether you got the pram in your house before the baby arrived.

Bring it home and have a play with it. You'll be too knackered and wanting to cuddle your LO to do it after you've given birth hun. xx
a dont believe in it at allbut some people are diffrene way a see it a prams not gonna make anything happen bring home xx
Eeeek so true Kel!

Thanks Roo - hope your little man is doing good x
yeh i have mine built up and sitting in nursery along with ALL the other baby stuff :)
my OH won't let me!! i wonder when i will be able to buy one! my poor LO will be pramless when he arrives! xx
We just put ours together this weekend to try and practice unfolding/folding etc. I need to know how to deal with it before I take LO out.
We were having this discussion with in'laws last week cos they have got ours!
They were going to bring it and I said no, not yet. Don't know why just felt funny - I know it's not going to change anything - am thinking that it would be nice to have it here though now!
I am using the same pram as I did with Joshua so I know how it all works. I took the mouldy thing down months ago from attic and cleaned it up till it was all sparkly like new. I did not want to put it back up in case it got mouldy again and I dont have storage space so I asked my mum to keep it for me till after baby born....she kept it until Joshua was born to. I dunno but I kinda like the tradition of keeping pram out the house till baby there....and I dont get to trip over it!! Every time I went to visit my mum when I was pregnant with Joshua though, I made her get it out so I could play with it - seemed too surreal to think that soon I would be going out pushing it with an actual baby in there!! bring it home, go on, you know you want to!! ha ha
we brought ours at about 15 weeks, and have had it in the spare room (will become the nursery eventually) since then, as we got it off ebay for a right deal :) though i've only got it down a few times as OH thinks i'm crazy pushing it round the house! going to test the car seat in my parents car this weekend . . . forgot to do it when they were hear on sat!
I put mine together at the weekend, and its now sitting in the dining room waiting, Its nice to get a feeling of how it works before bubs arrives, but then I'm not superstitious anyway!
ive only just bought my pram this weekend, its still in the box but in the nursery x
My OH bought a pram and took it home straight away, never knew it was "bad luck" to bring pram home :) I am from Norway and we always have the pram ready before we get the baby... for us its bad luck not to have a pram ready hehe..

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