We bought our travel system from mothercare (inc car seat) ages ago. We went into mothercare yesterday to buy a base for the car seat so that the seat can just be lifted in and out. They brought out the base to check it fitted in the car..it didn't. The woman then said to check if the seat we had bought fitted..it didn't!!!! She couldn't beleive that someone had sold us the travel system without making us aware that all seats do not fit all cars, never mind the fact that she should have checked that it fitted herself!!
Needless to say we weren't very impressed!! We ended up spending hours in mothercare trying to figure out what to do and the upshot is that we had to return the travel system and choose a pram and car seat that don't fit together becasue none of the travel system car seats would fit in our car. So, we've ended up with a gorgeous silvercross pram and seperate car seat. I'm annoyed at mothercare but we've actually eneded up with a better, more gorgeous pram!
So sorry for the rant girls!!!
If you've already bought your travgel system make sure it fits in yuour car!!

So sorry for the rant girls!!!
If you've already bought your travgel system make sure it fits in yuour car!!