Bad, bad abdominal pains


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Has anyone had this and found out what it is? A few weeks ago at work I got some really bad pains all around my abdomen. It felt like lightning was stabbing through my bump, but there was no tightening. It passed kind of quickly though, so I thought nothing of it once it was gone. Over the weekend I had been walking around for about an hour or so when it happened again. This time it was much worse. Still no tightening, but it made me sweat and I felt very nauseous. It took about ten minutes for it to pass completely, then I felt perfectly normal. It kind of sounds like gas, but was in completely the wrong areas to be that. I know it wasn't Braxton Hicks because I have been getting them painlessly since about week 15 and they always come with a very hard tightening of my whole abdominal area. Everything remained soft during this.

I feel fine now, too, by the way.
ive been having the same since the 25th weeks my mw told me that i had irritable uterus and that was what was causing the pains and the only way to ease the pain was paracetamols and rest hope this helps
Thanks. Does your abdomen get hard when this happens? Irritable uterus is supposed to be disorganised ontractions, which leads me to believe you should feel tightening. Do you think paracetamol helps you? I don't think mine is predictable enough (it has only happened twice so far and hasn't lasted long) to have any effect... I feel like paracetamol is the health care worker's way of brushing people off!
if ive had a busy day then its worse then it does go hard but other then that its just a very quick stabbing pain on and on some days it doesnt affect me it depends on what ive done the day before or doing yeah i found paracetamols helps

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