Back on track..


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hello beautiful ladies,hope you are all well and coping aswell as can be.

So its been about a week now since the heavy bleeding stopped and its been 2 days since i last spotted so i think i have miscarried it all naturally. what a horrible experience which i hope i never encounter again.

However, i knew from the 1st scan when there was only the fetal pole and sac with no hb that it wasnt going to be a happy ending. the scan was 13th april, with one the following week,which in that week i had the tissue loss and bleeding then i had the final scan which confirmed it all. i cried during these four weeks but since got the confirmation i havnt cried or really even thought about it, so im beating myself up abit thinking im a bad person!

Do you think its just because i had prepared for it that i have been ok? i dont know if its because i prepared myself or because i didnt see a scan or a hb i didnt get attached?

On a good note,i have kept up the no smoking its been a month now,even when we got the bad news i didnt turn to the smokes,so hi5 me :).

Hope you are all well xxxxx
Hi jilly

Dear lord you are not a bad person!!! 4 weeks of crying certainly says not. We all respond to grief in different ways and if you'd been bracing yourself for bad news for a while, then I guess our brains have some support system in place to handle that. The waiting & not knowing is stressful enough.

Glad to hear your bleeding is over (mine's still going a bit, sigh) and a million well dones to sticking with your not smoking. If you held out in the most traumatic moments of your life, you're definitely capable of beating the habit forever so ++++++ vibes to you!! (hi5)

Hey hun I took a month of work when I mc xx take as long as you need to sweety x glad to see your feeling a teeny bit better

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:yay: for the no smoking! Well done :) no you're not a bad person at all lovely. Each lady copes differently. I had my medical management on a Friday I think it was and went back to work on the Monday - huge mistake for me because I think it meant I didn't give myself time to grieve properly and my emotions went severely downhill from then.

I also found that I stopped crying and thinking about it but it came flooding back every once in a while. You're not a bad person at all so please don't think that! I'm glad you're doing well (as well as can be) xxxx
Love you all so very much, i certainly also know i got through it by talking to you all on here, aswell as the support my partner has given me aswell. also i think having a 2 year old to occupy side tracked me also.

I know im so proud even through i was going through the worst time ever i could have easily gone for thr smokes but didnt wooo hii5 lol. also lost some weight which i have been struggling to do for 2 years so im kind of getting on track.

iam getting a little ladybug angel tattoo on my wrist so i wont forget xxxx hope your all ok!let me know how your doing every now and again :) mwah xxx
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