

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Well as some of you know i had a m/c on thurs i posted this under "my sad day",since i found out last week that my baby had died i cried loads on the tues whaen i found out wed was really hard day cried a bit then and also worried about going to hospital on the thurs to have the medical miscarriage,since thursday ive not cried felt like it once and i cant stop thinking about everything but my husband said its quite strange how i havent cried since(cos its so not like me). i am a little worried to as to how im delaing with it because i am heartbroken but im just not showing it its a really strange feeling and im scared that its just going to hit me and im gonna be a complete mess im just really confused by it.
Has anyone else been or felt like this ?
Hiya hun,

I was the same just after I m/c and was really worried that I wasnt dealing with things right and that something was wrong as I felt completely emotionless.

Its your brains defense mechanism to try to protect you from everything I think so that you can deal with things bit by bit and it doesnt overload you - Thats my conclusion anyway lol

You will go through a rollercoaster of emotions - sad, upset, angry, empty and all of those emotions are part of you coming to terms with your loss and dealing with it.

Its very hard but you can get through it hun, take it day by day. If you feel like crying then cry & if you want to laugh then laugh.... take it step by step hun.

Im you need any advice, support or just someone to rant at then give me a shout as im here if you need me sweety. Take care & rest xxxx

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
iv said a lot on PM an il PM you agin hun.

its not strange at all this is your way of coping hun and you should just follow what your body is telling you. Like Jo, said if you want to cry then cry. It will hit you all of a sudden one day this is your grief you are dealing with and believe me i really i wish you werent hun.

Please dont lock it all up that is what i done then it all just came out but if it helps you now then there not a lot i can say, you know where i am if you ever need me hun,

thinking of you :hug: :hug:
Hi honey,

Tracey and Jo are right, there is no normal way to feel, you have to take every day as it comes and deal with your emotions as they come. It really is a roller coaster, some days you feel optimistic and sunny, others you feel blue or angry...these emotions just come out of the blue.
I cried once in the week I m/c at Christmas....I think I was in shock. I have only really cried propely in grief about 3 times...not because I am not sad....that is just how I have dealt with it...I tried to busy myself to dull the pain. It was only when I went to psychotherapy two weeks ago that I had a big breakdown and realised that I was not over my m/c, I had just been getting on and putting it to the back of my mind.

The only advice I can give is to echo Tracey and Jo's advice....don't have any expectations of how to may feel fine for a week or two and then suddenly have a really bad day out of nowhere. Recovery from mc is a roller coaster, take each day as it comes and don't be afraid to share your feelings, good or bad...they are all normal.

I am here if you ever want a friend to talk to, I am thinking of you sweetie.

it depends on the person...for me its been almost a month and i still cry daily...for some others it only takes a few days

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