Back from the epu

:hug: :hug: Aw babes wee cuddles for you :hug: :hug:
No matter how you feel you have the support here and people will help you through.
I post on here as the girls including you are all so lovely and understanding...we all have our fingers crossed you have a good result on wednesday... but please no matter what...laugh ,cry, scream, dance..let your emotions out.... i use this forum to share mine..also have some peopl i give and recieve PM's from....please feel free to PM if you want to talk. :hug:
Lv Yvonne xx
oh hun iv got my fingers crossed for you and hope that everything is ok look after yourself x x :hug: :hug:
Thanks so much for all your lovely replys its nice to know theres people here to chat to if i need it.xxxx
No new yet went for my bloods this morning and ive been waiting on the phone call all afternoon im like a nervous wreck !!! all this waiting around is really getting to me.
im so sorry your going through this hunnie. My thoughts are with you :hug:
Aw Michelle, :( I had hoped you would know one way or the other by now... :wall: I am so sorry your going through this heart breaking time, i know you are worried sick, :hug: I have been on edge myself since we spoke about the EPU visit you had, Just know that we are all thinking of you and sending you as many possitive vibes as possible... praying for that good result doll :pray: Please keep in touch.. good or sad... you and your bean are in my thoughts and my heart, :hug:
Lv Yvonne xx
I just rang them cos i couldnt wait any longer,not good news tho my hcg levels had dropped which means it is a miscarrige :cry: shes going to send me some leaflets and stuff to read about what i do now and my options.I feel so upset again just such a shock with having my previous 2 pregnancys without any problems but as i know im not the only one this happens to.
Thanks for all your support your a great bunch of ladie's and i wish all the best of luck in your pregnancy's.
Michelle Doll :hug: I am so very sorry, i wish there was some comfort i could give right now, Please try to keep in touch, We are all here for the good and the sad times. Take care of you
Lv Yvonne xx

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