Baby weight!!! ARGH!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Hi all

I have just read on the internet that to work out an estimate of your babies weight, average your baby weight by your partners baby weight....

Well i was nearly 9 pound and Richie (OH) was over 10!!!!

OH NO!!! This is going to hurt!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Keely xxxxxxxxx
As one of the sonographers pointed out, it's going to hurt regardless of whether it's a big/small baby.

It will all be worth it though to meet our little bundles of joy.
Bigger babies are supposed to be easier to birth :?
At least if its bigger it will have a good healthy weight, better for it to be nice and chubby than too small xx
Kai was 9lbs 2oz's and after being 10cm he took 5 hours to come out, partly because the epidural was in full force and I had no feeling at all to push and it just seemed to take forever. No idea if it is to do with his weight though. Now he is probably around 14lbs 14oz's at 3 months!
iv never heard of that one before!

kurt was 6lb 12 1/2 oz (arrived exactly on time) and beth was 7lb 7oz (but was 2 weeks late)

i was 7lb exactly and other half was 7lb 9oz!

i wouldnt know what it was like to give birth to a big baby and im hoping im not going to find out :lol: :lol: though just after i had my daughter last year a friend of mine gave birth to her little boy and he weighed 11lb 2oz!!!! :shock: and she had no pain relief and it was her first!!! :shock:

now i wouldnt have wanted to do that :lol:
Hiya Girls

You can use the below calculator to estimate your babies birth weight. It gave me an average weight of 6lb 9oz and Ky was 6lb 9.5 oz - So pretty much spot on!
It gives you and average weight plus a weight that falls in the upper and lower percentiles. You just enter your height in CM and pre-pregnancy weight in KG.

It gives the baby weight in Grams, so I've included a link to a converter for those of you like me who need to have pounds and ounces to make any sense of the results!

Hope this helps
ooh says 7lb 8oz according to that have to wait 13 weeks to find out right it is!
mine says 7 pound 5 so fingers crossed!! haha xxx
My OH was 13lb 7oz born and i was 8lb6 can you imagine how much i s#!t myself when i found out i was pregnant lol she ended up being born 5 weeks early and was 6lb2

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