Oliver's mummy

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
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hi everyone -

oliver is just over 14 weeks (god its gone fast :D )

and he last got weighed a bit over 2 weeks ago and was 18lb 7oz, now he is nearer to the 20lb mark (when born he was 7lb 15oz)

i read in a book only as a guide baby should double in weight by 6MONTHS - he's almost tripled his body weight in a bit over 3 months :lol:

i know hes Ok and normal

but was just wondering was your baby (boy or girl) a big baby (as in length and weight) or just above or at average on their chart thingy in their red book?

Isaac's always been above the 'average' line thingy in the red book, he was born 8lb 2oz, weighed 13lb 2oz at 8wks, and he's very, very happy and healthy :D

I'm sure Oliver is very normal, like you say, and happy, regardless of him not being a certain weight :hug:
Evie is in the 91st Centile for weight, so she is quite above the average. However she is also well above average for her length aswell so it balances out. My HV said its certainly nothing to worry about as once they get to around crawling age then it starts to drop off with them moving around. Try not to worry about figures to much hun, as long as Oliver is a happy healthy baby then your doing great :hug: :D .
Nathan is on the 75th for his weight as he has really slowed down now but his height is above the 91st. Nathan was 9lb 5oz born and the way he was going i thought he was gonna be like 2 stone by the time he was 6 months but once he started weaning the weight really slowed down and he now weighs 20lbs.
Redshoes said:

Isaac's always been above the 'average' line thingy in the red book, he was born 8lb 2oz, weighed 13lb 2oz at 8wks, and he's very, very happy and healthy :D

I'm sure Oliver is very normal, like you say, and happy, regardless of him not being a certain weight :hug:

thaks for your replies girlies, i know olivers fine and perfect but just wondered if boys or girls are bigger in weight and length :D

it just seems latley i've seem more big boys, but i would see that as i have a little boy :lol: 8)
I've got a little fatty too, just below the 98th percentile.

I have real problems with getting clothes to fit like having to get bigger trousers to fit the waist but they're too long in the leg and babygrows dont fasten underneath, and eefie doesnt have one pair of shoes that fit him. He needs about a size 3 but his foot is too fat to get in them or if I use pop ons the elastic digs in his legs, same goes for socks.

He's currently in 9-12m clothes with no shoes :lol:
sartet said:
hi everyone -

oliver is just over 14 weeks (god its gone fast :D )

and he last got weighed a bit over 2 weeks ago and was 18lb 7oz, now he is nearer to the 20lb mark (when born he was 7lb 15oz)

i read in a book only as a guide baby should double in weight by 6MONTHS - he's almost tripled his body weight in a bit over 3 months :lol:

i know hes Ok and normal

but was just wondering was your baby (boy or girl) a big baby (as in length and weight) or just above or at average on their chart thingy in their red book?

Finley is 6mths now and he was 8lbs 7oz when he was born, and hes now 17lbs 10oz

he has stayed on the average from birth, hes dipping slightly now, but i suspect thats cos hes moving around a bit more

hes on the 52nd centile for his weight now, when he was on the 75th,
Dylan was 7lbs 2oz when born he is now 16lbs 1.5 oz and on 75th weight and between 75th and 91st on height

Dylan was nearly a pound and a half lighter than libby when born and has now overtaken her.

my Gp said she had a boy and girl and the boy ate more and grew quicker.

He's currently in 9-12m clothes with no shoes

poor boy no shoes!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
Sebastian was 8lb 15oz when born just above the 75th centile, he was weighed a couple of weeks ago and was 13lb 13oz which is now on the 98th centile quite above avaerage. He has been putting on about a 1lb a week., my chunky Monkey :hug:
Alex was 4 weeks early and 6lb 1oz. He's now 23 weeks and 19lb 3.5oz which puts him on the 98th centile, he's a whopper! Has been in 6-9 month clothes for about 2-3 weeks and is in some 9-12 dungies from Adams :shock:
Austin is just above the 25th centile for weight and halfway between the 50th and 75th for length. He's long and skinny but he's a really happy and active baby so I know he's healthy.

We last went to the health visitor when he was 17 weeks old and he was 14lb 2oz and 64cm. (He was 8lb 6oz and 54cm at birth).

He's in 3-6 months tops, but the trousers are too big at the waist still so they fall down! He has to wear either his 3-6 months dungarees or 0-3 months shorts at the moment, because the 0-3 trousers are too short. :roll: Only 4 months old and I'm already having trouble finding clothes for him!
Jack was 10lb 6oz when he was born, by three months he was of the chart! the health visitor wanted me to cut out one of his bottles but i refused. Jack was a hungry baby. now he is sixteen months and over time his weight slowed down and now he weighs almost 25lbs, we have friends babies bigger than him and you would never guess what a big baby he was!

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