Baby still head down & now she's engaged :-O +Sweep Q.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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I'm feeling very happy this evening so thought i'd share my delight with you lovely ladies. :D

Well after all the worrying over the past month about baby being Breech she turned last week & to my amazment had MW appointment today to find she is now engaged :shock:

It's all getting quite scary/exciting now :?

She was on the 'perfect' pale grey line on the growth chart too, which she has never been, so all looks honkie doorie!! (fingers crossed)

I've got an appointment with my consultant next wednesday & midwife said consultant might do sweep next week too?? Why will they do a sweep? I'll be 38+5.
Didn't want to ask MW as i'd like a sweep really if there's a chance of speeding things up! :D
Thats great news hun. I cant offer any advice about the sweep but id just go with what they suggest.. may speed things up like you said.

Claire x
Wow hun they is great news especially at your stage :cheer: :cheer:

I had a sweep at 40+5 and went into labor the next day so could well happen for you.

Fingers crosses x
Great news that your baby has turned! I think my little darling has gone back to back suddenly after being very well behaved! Oh well never mind - my fault for sitting on the sofa too much maybe ! :lol:

Don't forget you can always refuse a sweep if you wish - you should only be "offered" one - don't feel you have to accept if you'd prefer to wait a little longer - it's your choice at the end of the day!

Hope it all goes well for you x
Thanks for replies girls. x

I think I will refuse the sweep as she'll come out when shes ready!!

I'll have a sweep as & when I need to, really don't think there is a need at the minute, she is normal size & healthy & well.

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