Baby-signing - worth doing? help/info!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I've been given a baby signing set by a family member - it's a video (a few years old as you can tell!) 2 books and a quick reference guide.

I've heard of it but not really thought much about it. The book suggests starting at 8 months..

When did you start? Is it worth doing? Is it easy to pick up?

The kit is from the NCT and cost £49.95 when new!!! (that was about 4 years ago though)

Any info would be great!
We started going at 3 months but it's only recently she's started to use the signs. She can do the sign for milk and we use the sign for no but I've obviously been shaking my head while doing it as she's doing that as well as the sign on occasion :lol: . Definitely worth a shot, it's great fun if anything! We go to a class most Fridays and learn the signs for a lot of common songs. I use Makaton at work so I'm quite confident with signing but it might be an idea to go to a class to get an idea if you've never done it before? is the one we go to :)
Great link DSL found a class just near me, its something that i'd def want to share with Cooper :D Ta xx

Suzie good luck with the book and video after reading about it i think it would great to be able to communicate with our LO's before they can talk.. baby signing always reminds me of Meet the Fockers.. fab film. :D
my friend signs with her son he's almost 2 now and they have been doing it since he was about 6 months, he brother lives in the states and its pretty big out there she just picked it up from a book she bought whilst visiting. My niece is 2 next month so very similar age and doesn't sign but it hasn't improved his communication in comparison to my niece.

Theres a class near mo and I've been thinking about going my friend goes and really enjoys it. Worth a go if you have a video and books to follow.
i went to our first baby signing 'class' at 6 ish weeks old :lol: alice slept through it all, but i picked up the basic signs i wanted to learn from there. it was run by my local sure start group and cost a pound a session i think :think:

I have not been yet but really want to go I have heard really good things about it from friends with older children and how the communication has really helped them out and understand what their child needs. I now have to wait till the new year as the one near me has finished for the term.

But also from a professional point of view (my sister is a child psychologist - she is my guru at times :) ) she said that there has been research into it but with no negative outcomes. Some experts suggest that it can hinder the childs speech development but there is NO proof of this (she sent me the research papers if you want a look) and some say its a fantastic method for a child to communicate with parents or people around them and can reduce frustration. SO there is no proof either way but I think its a great way to meet other parents and babies and have that quality time and interaction with them. Its a definate must for me even if we dont pick it first time.
Hope that helps
:hug: :hug:
I am training to be a BSL interpreter and have just started signing with Morgan and Isla, Isla has picked up a few bits but i cant quite work out why choc biscuit seems to be the fave? :rotfl: :think: Morgan knows the sign for milk and dinner, he also has partial hearing so will be something i will continue to teach him as he grows up.

I prefer BSL to Makaton and the kids are learning BSL but Makaton does seem to be simpler and the syntex is easier to follow too. Mt Tumble is Makaton with a bit of BSL thrown in for good luck lol. :D
i'm doing BSL with connor - he's a bit slow on the uptake LOL (he knows he can get what he wants without having to make the effort :roll: :lol: ) but he understands a few signs now, particularly 'be careful', 'be gentle' and 'no' :rotfl: :rotfl: he signs 'milk' back to me now too.

i've found it really easy to remember and tend to use the signs when i'm talking without really thinking about it.
I love signing with lil miss :) I always feel dead proud when she does a sign that I can recognise. She has a list of signs she can do really well, including milk, eat, mummy, papa, yes, no, sorry, thank you/please, biscuit/cake, cheese, yes, no, give me, more, all gone, bad, good... she can also sign (well makes a good attempt) at incy wincy spider, lil miss muffet, hey diddle diddle, three little ducks and baa baa black sheep....

I started when she was around 4 months and she started producing signs by 6 months albeit, rather hazily. Its only really been in the last few months that she has really started signing a lot.. :D
We went to tiny talk class as part of our post-natal group but I wasn't impressed. The woman was a nob which is probably what did it for me, but I found it all so rigid and scripted. She was reading off her wrist and seemed quite defensive when I asked questions. I wasn't being at all difficult (honest :angel: )but it was like I'd put her off her script.

I'm sure lots of people can tell you about the benefits of signing but it always seemed pointless to me. Stanley could always let me know what he wanted before he could talk.

Although sometimes I think I'd like him to sign now instead of shouting 'Drink' or 'Biscuit' at me like Father Jack :lol:
Chocolate cake was my fav to learn!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: alice never seemed to grasp cake though :think:

at the time it was a nice excuse to go and meet up with a group of mums, and learn something new. TBH i think it is something we will use (and do) when signing songs, but ive kinda dropped it day to day as its easier for alice to just tell me what she wants.
:hug: :hug:
thaks guys, think i will have a go.

kellysomer - i love mr.tumble. i sit there any copy him, even when fluff's
Suzie, speak to lisanat she knows mr tumble !!!! Justin i mean lol, and has a pic of rhys with him in her lovely house. :D

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