Baby position and moving house


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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I am in my 34th week, and the more painful are my hands, they are swollen:roll: I am still doing 5 times a week 1 hour of gym and i am trying to go to the swimming pool which help my swollen feet and hands :) I guess it's the joy of the pregnancy?:dance:

I went to see the mw at 32w and she wasn't able to tell me where was the baby head or what kind of position was the baby, but she was able to spot where was the heart??? Weird?
Should I be concern? When can we know the baby position?

I am moving house on the 27th!!! I spent my last weekends cleaning and packing :wall2:
As I am moving from Hertfordshire to Hampshire, I will have to change of Hospital and mw :fib:apparently they are re doing all the tests? is that true? Did someone already have been in the same position? Do I need to be careful on some stuff?

Thanks ladies in advance for your help :wave:
yh they will re do all the tests so your new midwife and hospital will have their own notes, as ive just moved to brighton from west midlands and they have done exactly the same,

when i was 37 weeks they couldnt tell which way up my baby was with my first so they sent for a scan., sometimes baby just gets in an awkward position but it still has plenty of space to move, if mw isnt concerned then u dont need to be

jut relax and believe me you need to rest as much as possible at this stage as doing too much can leave you feeling quite ill and drained
Thanks Roxane for your advices, it's reassuring me :) Quick question, did you have to do another scan when you changed of hospital?

The thing is doing pregnancy sports make me feel dynamic and well, I saw a lot of future mummies at 33w being already so tired, having horrible back pain and worse can't sleep at all etc :(

Having said that it might happen to me in the next few weeks..

Regarding the moving yeah I need to rest and leave the husband doing it.. but as we all know cleaning, hoovering are not part of our men vocabulary :'(
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lol i know i tend to have to redo the washing up after my partner hehe - just remember although pregnancy is not an illness its the one time in our lives that us women can milk it for all it is worth haha.

no i didnt have to have another scan but they did do my bloods that they do at 12 weeks aand the midwife did a new booking in appointment as they said they use different notes down here so there is a chance you cuold have that.

what i did is i went to my local docs when i first moved and asked for the phone number of the community midwives and i explained that i had just moved into the area and hadnt got a midwife yet and i was due to see one and they asked which hospital i wanted to give birth at and arranged for me to see a midwife so it maybe worth you doing so if you havent already
Thanks :)
I can see you are due on the 16th, I am due on the 9th :)

Good luck !!!
Hi, another October mummy! They can't always tell the baby's position, last year my sister ended up in labour with a breech baby so had an emergency c section as it wasn't picked up at any of her midwife visits! Maybe at your next visit they might be able to tell or at the new hospital.

I'm a gym bunny too and not been suffering with tiredness or back ache...... yet! Only time I was tired was in tri 1 but partly cos I felt so sick and didn't eat much!
Yeah I can't wait to know the baby position as I really would like to give a natural birth to my little one :) If possible a water birth but time will tell!!!!
Thanks :)
I can see you are due on the 16th, I am due on the 9th :)

Good luck !!!

yh it kept changing at the start ony bad thing is my daughters birthday is 18th oct so bit close for comfort lol if i went by lmp it would be due 11th but scan said 16th.

good luck for your big day, is it your first?
the first one is always the easiest lol not giving birth but being pregnant, ive found it really hard this time round as beenso ill and tired but still had another one to already look after.

good thing about second time round is at least i know roughly what to expect when it comes to labour so hopefully i will be better this time, im determind to not be so melodramatic this time lol
Well with already a little one I can understand you are tired, it must to be hard as you have no time for yourself to rest!!! But the good thing is at least you know what to expect for the labour :) whereas me I think I might just start to panic !!!!

I will try to stay lucid, but when the moment comes... I guess I might forget everything and just panic :)

I just moved down to Hampshire as well from Gloucestershire, and I love the care I'm getting down here, it's much better!

They had to re-do all my booking bloods and my notes because everyone has different systems.

I wouldn't worry about them not knowing which way baby is laying, sometimes it takes a while, but they don't really worry about the position until 36 weeks, when they need to know if baby is breech to book a c-section etc.

As far as the heartbeat goes, with the doppler it's easier for them to listen out for it because it's not like us where you have to listen directly to the heart or a good pulse point. So they don't really need to know the exact position of the baby to hear the heartbeat.


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