Baby name issues already!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Hilarious! We told my OH's folks at lunchtime that we are PG and they were really happy for us :-) only slight funny moment was when my OH's mum started talking about baby names and said there nice, normal names and then those arty-farty names such as ..... One of which was the girls name my OH had his heart set on?!!! We didt say anything and I have made him promise not to tell anyone in the close famiy our ideas as they might express opinions we don't want or need!! Bloomin' typical!!!
Well here's the thing. If you get a little girl you can still call her your favoured name. BUT tell MIL that you'd not thought of it until she said it so its her fault :D

When I told my sis yesterday she asked about names. We joked Onslough for a boy and Evadne for a girl. She said Really? And I had to explain it was a joke.
Good plan!!! That would be hilarious! Dont you worry that names not been struck off the list, I just think that are being old fashioned!!! ;-) we're going to see what the baby looks like and we have a lot of time to think about it!!
Brilliant trick u played on your sis, hilarious!!!
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Never tell!! No one will critisize a named baby, but they will all have an opinion beforehand!
I agree with Star, although whether I follow this thought will be another thing!

I was talking to my Mum yesterday and she said about not telling anyone baby names. The funny thing is, she is the worst for giving an opinion! She is a teacher, so its always "x is a naughty name, all x's are naughtly", etc.

thanks girls, think it'll be a secret between us for the next 6 months then :-)
Well here's the thing. If you get a little girl you can still call her your favoured name. BUT tell MIL that you'd not thought of it until she said it so its her fault :D

I love this idea! lol

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