Baby name help please


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Right in december after i found out i was pregnant me and OH done a list of baby names we liked, So we chose Cayden for a boy which i absolutly LOVE and wanted to use but then a few weeks later my OH`s brother announced they was calling there little boy Jayden and so i cant really use cayden can i or itll sound silly like i took part of there name choice. So then me and OH decided on Caleb and now i read and hear the name alot and its put me right off the name now as i like names that are not used very much. I named my daughter Bella and then afterwards everyone was calling there kids isabella but obviously then it was too late to change the name but i still love Bellas name.

So would you still use a name that sounded like there cousins or would you have a diff name? Or any ideas what names are like Cayden that arent used very much? Thanks :)
i have been looking online but me and OH cant agree on any other names atm lol i no ill get the final say anyway :P lol x
Hmmm, I might still use it. Would it upset your cousin? Can't think of anything off the top of my head but will get thinking! I do love the name Caleb though x
How close are you to your cousin? Will you see them regularly with bubs? If not I say use the name x caleb is very popular but if you love it then I say use it x x what kind of names do you like x btw I love the name Bella!!!! x x
Go with Cayden - its your child after all.... Its a lovely name. The boys may laugh about it when they are older
Sorry lol i think i miss worded it, the baby will be cousins with the other baby, its my brother in law and sister in law`s baby (my OH`s brother) x

and also we live bout 2mins drive away from them so they prob will see eachother alot x
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me and OH seem to like names beginin with C but it has to be different something thats not common so its hard as loads of uncommon names are now becoming common lol x
What about other C names?


Are the others def having a boy? they may have a girl or change there mind?
I don't think there's anything wrong with having a Cayden and Jayden - it's not as if you've chosen the same name, or decided on it after they did. I think they sound quite sweet together. I absolutely love Caleb too though - I've only ever met one little boy called Caleb and he is adorable! x
Jayden was born like 3weeks ago so thee is no way of that changing lol and im 99% sure mine is deff a boy but will be double checking at 4d scan in just under 3weeks. We have decided to keep the name we originally thought of and change the spelling slightly, just not telling anyone till his born as i dont wnt anyone makin me change it lol.

And Theres a boy in my daughters nursery called Caleb and seems like a few people are wanting to call there kids it and on hollyoaks zaks bro was called caleb lol. :P

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