Rude Opinions about Baby Name Choices

Lucy Mollie is lovely, not different in a negative way at all!! I tend to like 'a bit different' anyway, and will always try and choose something a bit unique, and stay away from trends at all costs lol

Mrz, your response is probably the safest, people dont have a chance to air their opinions that way!! lol x
I absoloutly LOVE your name!!! It's beautiful... By the sounds of it, it doesn't matter what you call your baby, she would probably hate any name you chose, it sounds like jealousy to me...
Amazing how many people become jealous when you have a baby.
I don't see why people want input on babies names. My mum and sister are great, anything I say no matter how outrageous it is, they just smile and say its my choice! My FIlL always says its our baby and we can call it whatever we want... My MIL on the other hand well she told us what to call it if it's a girl, she wants her mothers name as the babies middle name. And when we told her the boys suggestions she was horrified and told us she wouldn't be calling it them, my boyfriend was only joking saying we were calling the baby Eric. And she flipped.
She's also made it quite clear that it's to be a boy, as she has a grand-daughter already!x
What is it about in laws??!!! I have so many problems with mine, and it doesn't stop at my's my SIL too!!!

Lolly your MIL sounds like a nightmare!! She should be happy she is going to have another grandchild, regardless of what sex the child is, or what he/she is called!! I think sometimes people forget that an unborn baby is a human being with feelings, and needs, and a unique personality of their own....soon to express themselves to the world!!! xxx
It's hilarious how we become public property when pregnant, people feel that they can forget there manners and basic human kindness and say things they would not dream of saying if we were not pregnant.

The name you have picked is lovely hun and most importantly you and your OH like it!! Just ignore the annoying/rude comments. As for in-laws you best not get me started!! Xx

Love your choice of name! SIL is defo jealous, it doesnt matter what she thinks. We have chose 3 names and keeping them to ourselves xxx
I love that name, your SIL clearly is envious and wanting to have her stamp on everything seeing as she believes she may never have the chance herself. Once little Lana is born she'll be all sweet and smitten with her I'm sure.

I've only told my parents the boy/girl name we've picked and my mum didn't react very well even though 'Sebastian' isn't exactly a strange name - in fact I love it and it has a lot of meaning for me as since I was about 10 I always said if I had a boy he would be called Sebastian.
Anyway, I completely don't care for negative opinions, if people hate a name that's her problem, so just ignore your SIL!

I've actually chosen not to tell friends any name choices because I don't care for their opinions either, announcing the name once you've given birth makes it a statement and there's no need for them to try and give an opinion then.
What is it about in laws??!!! I have so many problems with mine, and it doesn't stop at my's my SIL too!!!

Lolly your MIL sounds like a nightmare!! She should be happy she is going to have another grandchild, regardless of what sex the child is, or what he/she is called!! I think sometimes people forget that an unborn baby is a human being with feelings, and needs, and a unique personality of their own....soon to express themselves to the world!!! xxx

Exactly!!! She has 2sons... And a grand-daughter! You'd think she'd be happy with either... I think she's one of these people who just doesn't think before she speaks!!!xxx
My MIL hates our chosen name - she thinks its boring and plain. Shes insisting that we buy a baby name book and is constantly suggesting other names that she likes!
SO we've started suggesting (with a straight face) that our boy is going to be named Hurricane Storm and so maybe in a few weeks when we bring up the actual chosen name it will sound like the best name in the world :)
But if our brilliant plan doesnt work, we refuse to change it! We've had it picked for 2 years! xxx
I have just been telling people haven't really got any yet. My cousins family was so rude about her babys name even when the baby was here I was shocked. Just infront of any body they didn't care so glad my close family isn't like that. One of my friends asked me and I said one name I liked and they both were like u can't call her that.. it really pissed me off because both of her sons names are so common and boring in my opinion but when they said to me on both occasions what they chose I was just like that's a nice name. If she again she will know what I think about her kids names cos its just plain rude
I think Lana is a lush name and lana hope is gorgeous together xxx
I was asked at work recently and told a friend that we were thinking about calling our little one Florence and I was told "Oh maybe you could use that as a middle name instead?"
I have also had comments about the magic roundabout etc etc but am just ignoring them.

The one thing that is bugging me really badly though - I told my parents we were THINKING about Florence and now its Florence this and Florence that where as were calling her baby, they are also trying to get my 2yr old saying it.

Maybe I am just being over sensitive? Mum did ask yesterday why keep calling her baby and I just said cos she aint even bl*ddy here yet and I may just change my mind!!!!
That is a beautiful name! My DH and I actually have Lana as one of our names too but not sure what we will go for. Your SIL is jealous which is a shame really, but like everyone says try and ignore her x
I was asked at work recently and told a friend that we were thinking about calling our little one Florence and I was told "Oh maybe you could use that as a middle name instead?"
I have also had comments about the magic roundabout etc etc but am just ignoring them.

The one thing that is bugging me really badly though - I told my parents we were THINKING about Florence and now its Florence this and Florence that where as were calling her baby, they are also trying to get my 2yr old saying it.

Maybe I am just being over sensitive? Mum did ask yesterday why keep calling her baby and I just said cos she aint even bl*ddy here yet and I may just change my mind!!!!

Aww it sounds like your parents are really excited, I wouldn't worry too much, but Florence is such a pretty name :)
Names are such a difficult thing! My mum didn't like our boys name so think she was secretly glad it was a girl!! lol. But bear in mind it may change when you see them for the first time. We had Abrielle picked out for a girl but as soon as we saw her we realised it didn't fit and went right back to our first choice of Evangeline that we had discounted by 12 weeks pregnant. Evie suits her to a T though!
Jody, people can be so rude!! They probably didnt realise they we're reacting negatively to your name choice, but just by the suggestion that you use it as a middle name is enough of a give away!! lol. That would annoy me too!!
As for your Mum, she does just sound like she's really excited!! I can understand though how this could begin to irritate you, esp as you have decided not to call your unborn baby by name yet, and you could always chnage your mind about the name......
I think we just have to try and bite our tongues, smile nicely and ignore!!! lol xxx
Thanks Jules, its nice to have some positive feedback on the name combination of Lana Hope....
siouxie, it is just plain rudeness and insensitive!! As you say, you would never dream of reacting badly to a friends name why do they feel they can say all kinds of rude things about yours!!
I don't think I will ever understand it lol xx
That name is beautiful, a pretty little girls name. Perfect.

It's hilarious how we become public property when pregnant, people feel that they can forget there manners and basic human kindness and say things they would not dream of saying if we were not pregnant.

Completely agree with this!! This is my biggest bug bear of pregnancy. Particularly when it comes to baby names and the size of your bump.

When someone introduces their child to you that you've not met before, you wouldnt dream of saying 'ooo I hate that name, have you thought of XYZ instead'

Nor would you ever say to someone who wasnt pregnant 'Cor, you're massive, if you continue you like that you'll be huge'

You just wouldnt because it not nice, so why even think of doing it to a pregnant lady???!!

Then its US that get blamed for being hormal!!!! GRRRRRRRRR

Sorry, properly ranted there......(and breathe)
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