baby movements


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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i know their is less space etc even midwife said i am all baby but he does move a lot less he never moves when i wake up any more :( i also find his kicks are very weak? x
Have you tried the drinking icy drink and lying on your left side thing? Aww don't worry - all is well. As long as you feel some movement I think 10 times a day then all is well. Call your MW - they're more than happy to check you over xxx
hey lovey if you are really worried call the mw and get them to have a monitor of bump.... but i do know this is completely normal at the stage of pregnancy youre at but I always edge on the side of caution x
Hey Hun, I felt there had been a decrease in movement last tues so called mw and they said to always call if worried and had me in for monitoring and I also got a sneaky scan :) when i got there bubba starting wriggling like mad lol but they were soo lovely and said its always best to check!

Hope this helps hun xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
i agree with the lovelies above give your MW a call and pop in to be monitored x x it will put your mind at rest or youll be thinkng about it none stop x x

movement does decrease as there is less room, and if theres not much fluid surrounding baby that will make a difference too x i had that with my first all baby x and he was 9lb x

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