How do you count the baby movements?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Hi all. Sorry if this question sounds silly but i was just wondering how you are meant to count the baby movements from now on. I know you had supposed to feel baby move at least 10 times a day but what do you count as one movement? :? For example, if baby moves and kicks, then does so 5 minutes later, is that counted as one movement or two? My LO moves around quite a lot when awake but then there will be a few hours when i don't feel him at all.

Was just wondering what is the best way to count the minimum of 10 movements. Thanks. xx
A flurry of movements count as 1, but if there is a gap you count as 2. Can be confusing i know.

At one point my LO wasnt moving much and only getting 7/8/9 a day. but at least 1 set of movements a day were really strong so i was told not to worry.
Is it best to write down the times I feel movement then? That would be awkward as I'm feeling them all day on and off. Sometimes he just won't stay still. lol. He seems to have fallen into a pattern pretty quickly. I generally feel him move early in the morning (for AGES), at meal times after I have eaten and at night time (again for AGES in the early evening then again when I go to bed late in the evening).
Midwife has told me to keep an eye on his movements but I just want to count them for my own peace of mind too really. I think it just makes me more paraniod now though cos I know I should be more aware of his movements so if I don't feel him for a few hours, I start to panic.
For some reason, the past 3-4 weeks, LO tends to not move much on a Sunday. My partner laughs saying it's the day of rest so he's entitled to sleep all day just like his daddy. Hmmm.
I suppose i'll just try to make a mental note of his movements. I just wanted to know if 2 separate ones over a very small time period count as 1 or 2 so I know how I should be counting them. xx
I lost count many times, this baby never stops moving!!!!!

I suppose that's a very good thing huh
Different health authorities maybe have different criteria - you know how it varies for scans etc!!
Thanks Redshoes. I have read that and it has put my mind at rest. Like I say, I think my LO has already got a sleeping and waking pattern. It seems like he has anyway cos I notice kicks around the same time each day. I suppose we get told different things by diffeent people because there is no set 'rule' to say how many kicks we should feel. I think as long as we are aware of our LO's, I suppose all is fine in there :) xx

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