Baby Measured ahead?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hi i went to my midwife appointment last Thursday when i was 28 + 0 and i measured 30cm, At the very top of the grey area on the chart in my book. Looking back i measured 25cm at 25 weeks so seemed to have had a growth spurt lol,
before the measurment i was already booked in for an extra scan at 31+5 to check that the baby isn't too big as im high risk (high BMI) and the doctor did say they will use the scan to decide if i will need inducing at 38 weeks depending on the baby's size.
Do you think that the fact that im already measuring ahead could be a sign that ive a big bubba in there?
I've sort of got myself used to the idea of induction although natural would be brilliant as i may get the water birth i so badly want, i've had a few weeks to look up what happens and stories and now im quite happy to have it done if the doctors say its for the best.
Do you think if the baby is big but my GTT comes back clear (i had yesterday) and my blood pressure stays down they will leave me to go natural anyway or still bring baby early?
Im just a bit confused i know that im probably reading too much into the measurements but i just wondered if it is a good indicator otherwise why do they bother taking it?
Thanks for any advice ladies xx
cant offer much advice hun except to say Ive always been told that 2cm either side is normal!
Hi im exactly 2cms ahead and had a growth scan which showed baby i big and to expect him to be about 9lb but they wont induce me
The thing i dont understand is whats the point in sending me for a growth scan if they wouldn't do anything anyway... it seems like a waste of NHS money to me, not that im bothered i get to see bubba again, but iv'e just been wondering.. because the way the doctor explained it to me if the growth is big im getting induced :S x
I am sure more will become clear later on, don't worry about it too much. I was 2cm over at my last midwife appointment and have another tomorrow when I am 34.5 weeks. I measured myself yesterday and I think I am 38.5cm so 4cm over!!! Will wait and see what they say but dont panic just yet lady :-) theres still a lot of change for us all over next few months
I measured 1cm over at 25 weeks and spot on at 30 weeks, however I'm set to have a chunky baby too, over the 9lb mark but not got growth scan or anything because of it, x
from what my midwife has said meauring 2cms ahead is only slightly big so they end u 4 the can 2 get a more accurate size and then if the baby wa going 2 b really big they would induce but if only slightly big then they leave it
Ahh i see... so really the measurement thing is just a guess and the growth scan is more accurate... the way the doctor said it was that because of my BMI if the baby is big at all they will induce but i don't know if he was talking shit, i did say to him if the tests come back normal will i still be induced and he said we will wait and see after the scan but i think you will be :S He was an arse tho, i hope not as that would be nearer new years and i want it further away!
I'm not really stressing just curious i expected a big baby anyway me and my husband are both 6ft tall and he was almost nine pounds and i was almost ten as a baby so im prepared for a chunky monkey lol x
My MW thinks that the whole fundal measurement thing is a load of old cack anyway cos it all depends on how the baby is lying, if he/she is stretched out, how your placenta is lying, if its low and under the baby then the baby can get pushed up and measure bigger, also fluid levels etc so I'd wait and see what it says at your scan x
The midwife I have had for my last 2 visits has forgotten her tape measure so didn't bother to measure me at all! When I asked her to she did it with her fingers and said I was spot on???!!!!! I wouldn't worry too much hun, I think the only time they really start to worry is when it is dramatically above or below 'normal' but I agree with Princess81 - surely you have to allow for the way baby is lying etc? x
How your baby is lying definitely makes a big difference. When I was pregnant with Sam be was always measuring a cm bigger, then suddenly measured 3cm less and the midwife panicked and sent me of for a growth scan (despite the fact that his spine was down my side but she made me think that there was something wrong and he'd stopped growing) and the scan showed that he was above average so her measurements were totally wrong x
Thanks everyone its really shocking that they still bother with the measurments because like you say it could be extra water or anything! In this day and age you would think they would have better tec that feel and a tape lol... feel better knowing i may not be having a extra large bubs... still fingers crossed for a water birth then x
By the way, I have also been told not to pay a huge amount of attention to growth scan weights either. My cousin was due to be a 10 pounder by his scan weight and he was 7lb3oz :shock: this has also happened to a few of my friends who were told they were having big ones and they ended up pretty average so try not to stress to much over it x
Well at the previous scans the baby was measuring bang on average so i don't know why they suddenly think that it will be so far above average :S Oh well can't wait to see the baby again so far on i wonder if it will be clearer? I will just have to go with what they advise maybe if my tests come back ok they will leave me to just give birth naturally even if the baby is big.
Well at my last one the baby's belly was measured for the weight but they also commented that the bladder was full and he/she was about to have a wee :eh: so I'm thinking tummy expands with a full bladder so maybe it wasn't that accurate anyway :roll: good luck with it x
What are your ladies views on the opposite? At my 22 week I measured 20cm an at my 28 week I measured 25cm md wasn't concerned so I wasn't. Does that mean my baby is a bit on the small side? Xxx
Maybe its the same as me 2cm is fine under or over? Or maybe less water? I only know what these ladies have said so im a bit usless lol x

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