im oversized lol!

I was measuring 38cm at 32 weeks so been referred but no appointment available until next week - had to see midwife yesterday as BP had gone up and am still measuring 38cm so now have big bump that isnt growing and they are getting even more twitchy :lol: - she moves loads though so I am not unduly worried - looking forward to the scan next week though.

was induced at 37 weeks with dd because of preeclampsia so quite prepared for the same this time round
One of my old mates from down south (who's due a couple days after me) measured 38cm at 31 weeks. Her growth scan showed she's predicted to have a 10lb-er, and they aren't inducing her early! :shock:
No they said to me they wouldn't induce me early, just due to size, as my MALE consulant said 'people give birth to big babies all the time!' :roll:
i think i may be induced due to my BP, midwife said it can affect the placenta working efficiently if it is consitently high as mine is. :doh:
Im little and they wouldnt induce me if my bubs is big, and that came from a woman :roll: I have a growth scan in 3 weeks just to check everything is ok - be interesting to know how big they 'rekon' he is :lol: Im not actually worrying about the size now, if he is 10lb he is, I'll try squeeze him out and if I split in half then I do...they'll just have to do a bloody good job sewing me back together, Id be well proud too if I managed it :rotfl:
isnt it annoying though im half expecting to be told to go away and just leave him to grow,but then the midwifes want me to be induced so send me back up to see the consultant who just sends me back down there I feel like a yoyo :wall: to top it all i have stretch marks like an AA road map bloody awful!

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