Baby Dreams Diary

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Hiya, was wondering if anyone else had any/many baby dreams. I had a wierd one last night. I dreamt we lived on the tip of a steep mountain and had to get on this magic carpet to fly down to the rest of the world, which was this wonderful flying experience, and then i got pregnant and I was really worried about the magic carpet taking my weight and the balance issues and getting to doctors appointments! Totally trippy and bizarre!!

I did a bit of dream interpretation with a book and basically (ignoring all the mountain stuff) I think it might be a dream about the fear of giving up my freedom if I have a baby - which makes sense except I'm fairly sure I dont feel that!
I have had a few, which typically get around when i am due to test.

There hasn't been anything fantasy based about them like flying carpets or anything.

The last one i had i vaguely remember being about me wanting to give birth by myself but there was so many people around and lots of noise all wanting to tell me what to do but i just wanted to go away and hide somewhere quiet.

I seem to recall others being similar - me being heavily pregnant and wanting to give birth but i'll let you know if i get any others :)
I get them every so often. Not had any for a few days tho. I started up another thread about a really bad one I had, it was awful.
I hate dreaming of actually giving birth because for some reason something bad (ie someone dies) in real life :-(
But yea, mine tend to be quite strange and trippy too :lol:
The last one i had i vaguely remember being about me wanting to give birth by myself but there was so many people around and lots of noise all wanting to tell me what to do but i just wanted to go away and hide somewhere quiet.

Stressful! Well you certainly dont need dream interpretation book to work those out!
I get them every so often. Not had any for a few days tho. I started up another thread about a really bad one I had, it was awful.
I hate dreaming of actually giving birth because for some reason something bad (ie someone dies) in real life :-(
But yea, mine tend to be quite strange and trippy too :lol:

Oh! Just found the thread with the other dreams on - don't know how i missed it! Double headed snake baby made me laugh out loud but I think it would be an awful nightmare to dream it myself! Brrr chills at that!

Someone dies in real life???? Jeez!! Do you think that having birth dreams is linked like a premonition or did you already know?

I found this for you:
To dream of giving birth or see someone else giving birth, suggests that you are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents a new attitude, fresh beginnings or a major event. Alternatively, the dream may be calling attention to your inner child and the potential for you to grow. A more direct interpretation of this dream, may represent your desires/ anxieties of giving birth or the anticipation for such an event to occur.

To dream that you are giving birth to a non-human creature, signifies your overwhelming (and unfounded) fear in the health of your baby. You are overly concerned that your baby may have birth defects. This type of dream is common in expectant mothers in their second trimester. If you are not expecting, then it refers to your fear in the outcome of some decision or project. You are trying to overcome difficulties in your life and achieve inner development. In particular, if you dream that you are giving birth to a monster, then it implies that your inner creative energy has yet to blossom and grow into expression. You may have some hesitation in releasing this "monster" for fear that others will judge you or that they will not accept your ideals.
I have had a couple of pregnancy dreams, but they aren't at all trippy. They are actually very boring (in a sense). I dreamt I was heavily pregnant and I had gone through my pregnancy without knowing the sex of my baby (I don't want to find out when I really am pregnant). I went into labour and my OH took me into the hospital, the midwife put me into a bed and told me to lie down (I don't want to give birth lying down in reality) and told me not to worry, my little girl would be here shortly. I was furious in my dream and started yelling at the midwife about everything... see, rather boring.

Pretty similar to some i've had from the sounds of it.
I had a strange dream last night!

I spent the first part of the dream walking around what looked like a cosmetics shop with my husband. There was shelves and shelves of teeny tiny items and i couldn't focus to make out what anything actually was.

I went over to an assistant and asked where the baby stuff was and she just pointed to this same section, it was just a haze. She asked me what i was looking for and i said i didn't actually know and then i started asking what a baby needed.

She just ignored me and walked away so me and hubby started arguing about how neither of us know what a baby needs when we already have one.

That's when i realised i had a baby with me wrapped in a pink blanket. It was a girl and i tried to remember what i'd named her. She was called "insert my favourite girl baby name" and i started holding her up to the shelf to try and get her to pick the items off the shelves that she needed but obviously she was just a baby.

Then i started getting frustrated and everything went blurred and the dream ended :shock:
Sounds like an anxiety dream to me. Funny how so many of our baby dreams are stressful, why cant it just be lovely? Mind you it's a relief to wake up from stress dream and a heart ache to wake up from good one.

Last night i drempt that I was the nun in the Da Vinci Code, but instead of Silas bludgening me to death he made love to me instead. It was rather good actually. I think i must be sick in the head.......
hey starfish. i dream im pg pretty much every night. drives me crazy!xxx
Last night i drempt that I was the nun in the Da Vinci Code, but instead of Silas bludgening me to death he made love to me instead. It was rather good actually. I think i must be sick in the head.......

I think it's sound very kinky - maybe we're both sick in the head :shock:
Last night i drempt that I was the nun in the Da Vinci Code, but instead of Silas bludgening me to death he made love to me instead. It was rather good actually. I think i must be sick in the head.......

Haha that made me chuckle!
:rotfl:You are both bonkers!

Im laughing out loud at work which isnt good!

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