Postnatal Depression..


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Is there anyone on here who'd like to share their experience with PND?
Not labelling myself with anything - it's just out of curiosity. Noah is currently 2 weeks old, and for the last week or so I've been feeling really low and feel like a failure as a mum, like I'm not picking it up very well. I keep panicking about things like changing his nappy when he's pooed a lot, and since starting to breastfeed, I keep feeling like I'm not doing it well enough and get very upset and worked up about everything. I keep crying about it too.
OH isn't helping as he keeps saying I need a doctor and am depressed at every opportunity he gets, which is making me feel even worse.

Midwife said what I'm feeling is just baby blues and should go soon and is normal seen as I'm a first time mum, with a premature baby who was ill in hospital after being born.

Whats the difference between normal baby blues, and PND?

Thanks in advance :)
From what I see baby blues goes after a few weeks and pnd is a long term thing. I felt the same as you untill this week (still do to an extent) Try getting out of the house and meeting other new mums as this is what really helped me to see that everyone is in the same boat! If you are still feeling this way in a few weeks then it might be an idea to have a chat with the docs!
ooooh thats a tricky question.

I'm not really sure tbh. But what I do know is, baby blues only lasts for a wee while. Around a week, maybe 2. (not sure exactly) i've had baby blues with both babies & it is horrible. A very dark sad place. And everyone around is happy to see new baby ect, you just want to wallow in bed, but cant coz you need to attend to baby (that was my experience)

Give it another few days & see how you feel. Take the offer of help (if you get any) and stop worrying about mummy things, i'm sure your doing great, unfortunately there is no text book. You just need to wing it & see how you get on. As long as baby is fed & nappy changed, your doing a good job!!

My mum said with her baby blues she cried so much for the first few weeks and then as the shock of being a new mum and her hormones calmed down it evened out a bit and she was ok again. I had pnd and I cried a lot for months. I cried everytime a midwife or hv came round, I couldn't talk about the birth at all (it wasn't straightforward) and breast feeing was awful and I felt even worse when I bottle fed. I got diagnosed by my hv when my lo was 9 months.

At the moment I'd say just try and get a tiny but of time to yourself as often as you can. Whether that's going upstairs to nap in the evening while your OH looks after your lo or having a bath. It's hard when they're so young but just half an hour can help you feel more relaxed. Maybe mention to your hv how you feel and they'll keep tabs on it and keep note of any concerns you have and they'll probably pick up on it if it does turn out to be pnd. When they're so young though it's hard to know whether it's just baby blues or not. :hug: hopefully things will settle down for you though x
Thanks for the replies.

So far today (touch wood) I haven't cried. I feel a bit different today - a bit more relaxed. I fed LO just on the breast through the night successfully without giving him formula, so that made me feel good that I could feed him properly :D and I also changed pooey nappies without panicking, and changed his clothes etc all by myself! It might sound silly to some people, but because I spent 9 days in hospital with him after he was born, it was like I didn't have chance to learn it all and get used to it because of doctors and midwives intervening all the time. So when we came home it was a big reality check!

I just hope I carry on feeling this confident and happy with things. But don't wanna jinx myself too much!
I felt exactly the same!! I was in hospital a week and during that time my hubby was doing most of the work as I was so ill so when I got home I felt like me and the little one hadnt bonded and I didnt know what to do. It has taken a while but I feel like we are getting there now!!
Just wanted to send you a hug. I was in hospital for a few days as I was poorly (needed a couple of transfusions). I remember thinking I didn't want to leave the hospital as how was I going to cope. They don't really show you much in the hospital. I hadn't even changed a nappy before Colby!

I struggled with bf at the start and cried a lot about this, I felt like a failure. But it did get easier. I would give it a bit of time and if you're still feeling down I would speak to your dr or HV. It does get easier hun. I still get down days but the good days far outweigh them and when Colby smiles at me, my heart melts! I'm glad you felt a bit better the other day, hope it continues :)
Good to hear that you feel more confident! I'm sure you're a great mum!!!

Good to hear that you feel more confident! I'm sure you're a great mum!!!


Aww thanks hun!

Really feel like a mummy now. It's all sunk in and gotten used to my role! Settled and more relaxed with everything. Best thing I've ever done :D
It's so reassuring to read all these. Feel less alone with how I am feeling now xx
There is no difference, baby blues is just an old fashioned term really. Any low mood following pregnancy is to do with the hormonal change in your body which can lead to depressive symptoms. In worse cases it can lead to psychosis. If you want any advice or a good vent just send me a message I work as a mental health nurse an although mother and baby is not my area of expertise I will help best I can and will probably know alot more than your midwife

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