Baby bag for hospital done!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Have tried not to pack too much so in my changing bag I have

1 x Pack of wipes
5 x newborn nappies
2 x pairs scratch mitts
3 x Baby gro's
3 x Vests
3 x bibs
1 x cardigan
1 x wooly hat
1 x snowsuit

No need to take bottles or top to toe wash as at hospital any thing else baby might need?
random but my friend just had a baby and she wished she had taken a baby brush because there were bits of her stuck in her babys hair that didnt come out properly until she had a brush to get them out xxx
cool thanks my mil got us a set so will put that in or close by for hubby to bring in.
You might want to pack more nappies. Also with regards to wipes they might not want you to use them in the first couple of days because of their sensitive skin. I took cotton wool balls and used these for the first week.

Think you covered everything else Hun xx
Thanks for that will take wipes out and replace this is just for me to take when i go into labour hubby is bringing blanket and more nappies when hw comes back but think i might put them in his boot incase he forgets
Yeah i would agree with the blanket as it was alot softer than the hospital towels!!! Also disposable changing mats are handy - i found these really helpful when i stayed in hospital!! I used wipes and the hospital didn't say anything as i couldn't physically get out of bed to get warm water to use the cotton wool!!
Also i would take a hat for baby that you dont mind ruining if only gets used in hospital - i had a wooly hat packed for the journey home!!
Thank you there is a changing mat in the bag at the back will add another little hat too x
im def buying a little brush today as i have not got one for noa and its a big chance he will come out with loads of hair (im gonna be so suprised if he comes out with no hair)

why do you need a changingmat? dont they have places where you can change your baby?
Been doing mine today too, all baby clothes now in the machine for the first wash! ahhh

I was just going to say travel change mat, for the bed, hosps don't give you changes of sheets unless you bleed all over them, so baby pee on your bed is not good!

and yes more nappies a blanket and cotton wool squares (sticky nasty poo to start with), was my first thoughts, 5 nappies wouldn't last you over night till oh came in in the morning really.

How exciting., feels more real when you have started the bag doesnt it
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ive packed in the baby bag
x4 baby grows
x4 vests
x10 nappies
x2 blankets
small pack wipes (i know they wont let me use em probably)
cotton wool
travel change mat
nappy sacks
x2 pairs mits
x2 hats
think thats it (i cant remember) should i pack a snowsuit too do you think? for coming home in? x
I think what I will do is keep them in the car and then he can bring them in before he leaves x

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