Babies Due Dec 05 Tummy Pics

emilia said:
Rosieroo... your bump looks brilliant! Do you know what you're having?
My bump is odd isn't it? Looks like pac-man with the cozzie :shock: :lol:
Nevermind - will give you an even bigger laugh later when I post updated pic. :lol:
Emilia xx

It's not odd at all! All bumps are beautiful! :)

I'm having a little girl :D We're calling her Ella :)

All the other ladies on here (except me!) seemed to have retained a normal figure other than their bumps getting bigger. Why's my ass got so big and you lot haven't? S'not fair!
rosieroo said:
All the other ladies on here (except me!) seemed to have retained a normal figure other than their bumps getting bigger. Why's my ass got so big and you lot haven't? S'not fair!

Rsoie, you have a lovely cute bump. Notice my ass isn't on the photo. I think your bump and figure are great :D
Alien bump has left the building!!! I do love my bump and I agree with you.... all bumps are lovely. I'm really going to miss this lumpy bumpy!! :cry:

Bump at 34.5 weeks

Emilia xx
Rosieroo..... apologies for being such a sponge brain!!!!! :lol: How could I miss your banner at the bottom saying you're having girlie? :shock:
"The lights are on but nobody's home!!!"
Emilia xx :D
Hi girlies,
Anyone getting impatient now???? I am, its like "come on Im fed up up now!!!"

Are you girls feeling like this now?
m so gettin impatient now but have started getting quite strong pains regularly which I think are braxton hicks. Just ned baby to hold on until living room is painted and new carpet down then they can come out
emilia said:
Rosieroo..... apologies for being such a sponge brain!!!!! :lol: How could I miss your banner at the bottom saying you're having girlie? :shock:
"The lights are on but nobody's home!!!"
Emilia xx :D

You're pregnant, that's an excuse for every moment like that (it's official! Caused by progesterone).

Anyone getting impatient now???? I am, its like "come on Im fed up up now!!!"
Actually I am scared about how quickly this time is going! Don't feel very prepared at the moment, need to give the house a scrub and get the hospital bags ready and then once I feel prepared I think I'll be more excited. I'm convinced she's coming early!
I'm also convinced that this bunny is going to come earlier. My feet are terribly swollen, having horrid period pains and overly regular bowel moments... :shock: ... I'd be happy to hold on for another 3-4 weeks, but then I will have to start swinging from chandeliers and eating curries.
I'm enjoying my bump, but must admit - the sleepless/restless nights are getting the better of me and with the heat here - I'm knackered!!!
It's not all bad though - the weather does have a positive effect..... wish you could all fly over and spend the last couple of weeks relaxing with me!
Not too long now - time will fly!!!!!
Emilia xx
emilia said:
My feet are terribly swollen, having horrid period pains and overly regular bowel moments...

That is exactly what I am getting at the moment. Really sore pains and I can't stop going to the loo. Was thinking it might be something I ate but I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary. I read that braxton hicks are uncomfortable. These are really sore so if this is uncomfortable labour is going to be a barrel of laughs. Was wondering whether to speak to my midwife but think I am being silly. Baby is fine, wriggling round but I have had these pains for a while :shock:
beanie said:
emilia said:
My feet are terribly swollen, having horrid period pains and overly regular bowel moments...

That is exactly what I am getting at the moment. Really sore pains and I can't stop going to the loo. Was thinking it might be something I ate but I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary. I read that braxton hicks are uncomfortable. These are really sore so if this is uncomfortable labour is going to be a barrel of laughs. Was wondering whether to speak to my midwife but think I am being silly. Baby is fine, wriggling round but I have had these pains for a while :shock:

Ooooh ditto the both of you :shock: Maybe it's a late 3rd trimester thing?
Well I was getting a bit worried as backache was starting. Phoned hospital and saw a midwife, baby is really low apparently and she thinks that it might be that which is causing the pains. At least I know baby is engaged and head down, phew. Just have to keep an eye on everything and if it gets worse or if I have a show etc I have to phone hospital. Not ready yet for baby, knew I shouldn't have joked about carrier bag with nightie aqnd pants. Am definately packing my bag tomorrow!!! Sound like we are all getting ready to go soon though, its really exciting x :D
Im getting real bad bracktons lately. Not painful but enough to make me take a sharp deep breath. Back ache gets worse at night. I keep imagining waking up in the middle of the night to a pop sound!!!
i've also been getting that rooander, and have had a false labour last week. never know we may have our babies soon, but i have a feeling i'm gonna go over due i was 4 day's early with 1st and 3 day's over with second :D
Well heres my ever growing 37 wks bump.
Think Im getting fatter now, definately in my face but Im sparing you that by chopping it off in the pic he he he he.

Wow... that's a HUGE bump! It looks brilliant!!!!! No fat whatsoever.

I hope things work out with you housemove. It's frustrating when you want to finalise things and circumstances forbids! Especially when there's a bunny on the way...
I feel a bit lost at the moment, too. We're suppose to move to the city for a month around the time that the baby is due. (baby is going to be born there as we don't really have suitable facilities here). I'm not looking forward to staying away from home as it's only a 1 bedroom apartment (one bonus - it has a private pool!!!!) and there are 4 of us!!! It's a hot time of the year and I'm seriously running out of sleeping positions.
I'm seeing specialist at 37 weeks - she'll do a scan to see size of baby and also do internal examination. I'm hoping that that might set things off - I want to be home for Christmas!!!!
Our kids are on their summer holidays for 7 weeks as from 2 December. I want to spend some time with them as well - trying not to let baby things blur holidays too much - although - not an easy task!! :?
Och - all of the above sounds really negative - didn't mean for it to sound so downish.... just fed up and uncomfortable with added complications!!!! Looking forward to the birth - I went to active birth class yesterday and it was brilliant.
I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that things work out well for you. You'll be so desperate to get all the baby thingies set up!
Good luck
Emilia xx :wink:
Hi there,
well just to let you know my computers been bust for over a week now and blooming PC world are taking their time so Ive hooked my sons computer instead.
We are at last moving!!!! YAY!!! Got a date of 5th December. Its going to be sooo close as bubba due 10th Dec.
Ah well we wait and see.
Hows everyone doing?
Hi there
So glad you can finally makes plans to move to your new housie!! Hope you'll be happy there.
I've just been really tired and had a busy day in the city yesterday - totally out of it. I'll be posting my 37 weeks bump some time - friend borrowing my camera at the mo though. Feeling heavy and HUGE!
You don't have long to go now!!!!!! :D :D Excited for you!!
Emilia xx
My bump at 36.5 weeks. Feeling HUGE, hot and sticky. Weather roasting, but able so spend most of my waiting days, in the pool! You might think I'm lucky - but I'm dying for some cold weather!!! Nuts hey?

Anyway - I'm going away now until baby is born. Will check into forum from internet cafe. Good luck to all of you - hope all our babies come at the given time. :lol: :shock: :wink:


Emilia xx
Right havent been here for a while so Im putting up my last 3 tummy pics.




And yes Im still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And getting very impatient!!!!!

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