***August Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!!***

Fair play GG, good conception story!!
I haven't tested since last frer, got family staying so busy and no privacy, been having alot of mild period cramps, still vivid dreams, odd boob pains.
Probably going to leave testing till Friday now xxx
Well, it wasn't planned, we were doing fencing and stopped for a cuddle, then thought, "what the hell" haha! At least we were fully clothed so he wouldn't have seen anything, lol.
Well I'm 9dpo and got a faint positive this morning on a cheapie. Decent line and I've never got a line that early before so feeling hopeful but not taking it as a bfp til I have a digi after last time xx
Yeah hopefully will have another chance for end of Aug :). using digi opks this month as I totally got ov wrong last month using the cheap ones xx

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Which ones are you using? I've got the cb digi that give the peak two days. I think the more expensive ones give peak four days where the smiley faces also flash. Personally, I like these two day ones as I feel confident that I can cover the important days.

Fx you get a clearer idea this cycle xx

The ones with the flashing smiley have the consequence of worrying about covering the lot and so you end up dtd 4 days in a row like we did last week....shattered.. :)

We dtd 10 days in a row (but changed from eve to morning halfway throufh so missed one eve kinda thing lol) last month and I ended up not dtd just before ov soo typical.
I used the like those ones wirh peak and high fertility as well xx

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Well, we decided to dtd up in the top field as we were randomly gifted a spare half hour...lots of fun...until 2 minutes after we finished, the chap that owns the cows appeared, lol. Wondering if he saw the whole thing and we can't stop laughing about it! :shock::lol::dance:

Hahaha thats hilarious gg!!!
Well I'm 9dpo and got a faint positive this morning on a cheapie. Decent line and I've never got a line that early before so feeling hopeful but not taking it as a bfp til I have a digi after last time xx

ooo fingers crossed for you mrs_cookie! xx
Well I'm 9dpo and got a faint positive this morning on a cheapie. Decent line and I've never got a line that early before so feeling hopeful but not taking it as a bfp til I have a digi after last time xx

That's great! I hope it's a sticky bean
Hi the witch has got me �� Can I change from the 10th to the 31st please xxx
Thanks ladies! Its hard not getting excited but know its early,hopefully see the line getting darker over next few days xx
Sorry angel, good luck for the end of this month xx
Just catching up. Everything should be updated. Sorry to those who are out so far. Though it looks like a few are getting 2 chances this month.

Sounds promising mrs_cookie. Keeping fingers crossed for you.

Another week or so of waiting for me. I have absolutely no symptoms but I'm probably in the most positive mindset I've been in for a while. After one hell of a fight, I finally got an HSG which showed my tubes are clear and I guess it just feels good to know that for sure. I've also got a date for my endometrial polyp to be removed. Again, another unnecessary battle following a horrific experience at the fertility clinic. Thankfully I've got a very understanding gynaecologist. If it didn't I'm almost certain I'd have been paying privately by now.

Also OH got his repeat sperm analysis back and his motility has significantly improved :dance:I know it doesn't guarantee anything but it does show that his improved lifestyle and supplements over the last 6 months has actually made a difference. Especially as the specialist told us that his sperm couldn't be improved and categorically stated that we will not conceive naturally despite the fact that his motility was only a little below minimum to start with and I could potentially have a polyp in the way :roll: Needless to say we shall be finding another clinic if it comes to IVF.
Great news about your OH's results moomin,sounds like good progress,fingers crossed for you!

Tree trunks,heres this mornings test and then another cheap brand I did this afternoon where the line came up faint but straight away. Only 9dpo so over the moon to have lines already,just nervous they won't get darker like last time xx


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Thanks mrs_cookie. I think part of it is that I know OH was disappointed with the results initially. It's a man thing!! He never complained as I was having such a tough time but you just know. I've always said there's no me and him just us. We're in it together but I know it never really helps when you think you're to blame. Despite the awful time we've had I can honestly say it's strengthened us as a couple. It's so sad when you hear of couples torn apart by it all but it's so stressful I can see how it can be make or break.
Good look to mrs_cookie and props to GG for her top field dtd adventure, that's far more exciting than any of my dtd stories, I obviously need to up my game.

Well, I'm now fully into the tww, I'm determined (again) not to test early, but at least my cycle is back to normal now after the miscarriage... I've set a countdown on my clock to the day *after* I expect AF. The idea being that I can look at it and reason with myself that's it's really not that long to wait and I could risk false negatives or disappointment if I do it earlier...we'll see how that pans out!

In the mean time I'm planning to distract myself by getting back to my running, I put some weight on whilst I was pregnant due to being worried and then continued to put some weight on during and after the mc because I felt miserable. I'm going to try and focus on getting healthy and as fit as I was again, because if I *do* catch this cycle I'll feel great, but if I don't catch and I've spent another month slobbing about I'll just feel worse.

Time to strap on my trainers :)
I think I'm a bit odd in that I never test early. Never even been tempted. AF always gets me so I guess I just figured what's the point. OPKs do a great job in predicting AF for me. It's the main reason I use them as it actually makes me less stressed.

I've also been threatening to get a bit fitter. Swimming is more my thing. Bought new swim stuff as obviously that's needed. Haven't quite made it to the pool yet but there's time haha. I have started doing yoga so it's a start!!
I never tested early, I think it was CD34 when I tested last month just because I got fed up and needed an answer.. of course it ended it mc but I'm determined that we can do this again at some point! Giving it 3 cycles then if no luck going back to the ivf clinic for our frozen embryo.

I'll probably be testing early this time with cheapies but no idea where I am in my cycle just yet.. my cm and cramps/twinges could mean I might ovulate soon? But I feel like it's far too early as only started bleeding 2 weeks ago.. still getting really faint lines on tests but they're 10mls so I guess I could still ovulate if hcg was really low? Yeah I don't know I'm probably just crazy desperate and talking crap lol
Great news about your OH's results moomin,sounds like good progress,fingers crossed for you!

Tree trunks,heres this mornings test and then another cheap brand I did this afternoon where the line came up faint but straight away. Only 9dpo so over the moon to have lines already,just nervous they won't get darker like last time xx

They're looking really good lines for 9dpo!! I know what you mean about feeling nervous though xxx cant wait to see the progression xxx
Good look to mrs_cookie and props to GG for her top field dtd adventure, that's far more exciting than any of my dtd stories, I obviously need to up my game.

Well, I'm now fully into the tww, I'm determined (again) not to test early, but at least my cycle is back to normal now after the miscarriage... I've set a countdown on my clock to the day *after* I expect AF. The idea being that I can look at it and reason with myself that's it's really not that long to wait and I could risk false negatives or disappointment if I do it earlier...we'll see how that pans out!

In the mean time I'm planning to distract myself by getting back to my running, I put some weight on whilst I was pregnant due to being worried and then continued to put some weight on during and after the mc because I felt miserable. I'm going to try and focus on getting healthy and as fit as I was again, because if I *do* catch this cycle I'll feel great, but if I don't catch and I've spent another month slobbing about I'll just feel worse.

Time to strap on my trainers :)

Hi Fela,

I'm in a very similar situation! I had a MC at end of April (10 weeks preg), I had been eating like crazy when pregnant as I felt so hungry all the time. Then after the MC I started comfort eating as I felt so down (my Mum passed away the week after my MC also - an utterly horrendous time)! Anyhow, where I'm leading with this is that I've put on a fair bit of weight and am really feeling uncomfortable. It's an awful feeling to have so many clothes in my wardrobe that don't fit. I've just started seeing a personal trainer and I've only had 2 sessions but am horrified at how unfit I am! So I'm trying to get fitter and feel better as well. Plus, I figure it can't hurt with the TTC to be as healthy as possible. Annoyingly, DH has been telling me on multiple occasions that I should do some exercise, which feels very much like a dig at me and that he's insinuating that I'm fat. Not sure whether I'm being over sensitive.
Hi Fela,

I'm in a very similar situation! I had a MC at end of April (10 weeks preg), I had been eating like crazy when pregnant as I felt so hungry all the time. Then after the MC I started comfort eating as I felt so down (my Mum passed away the week after my MC also - an utterly horrendous time)! Anyhow, where I'm leading with this is that I've put on a fair bit of weight and am really feeling uncomfortable. It's an awful feeling to have so many clothes in my wardrobe that don't fit. I've just started seeing a personal trainer and I've only had 2 sessions but am horrified at how unfit I am! So I'm trying to get fitter and feel better as well. Plus, I figure it can't hurt with the TTC to be as healthy as possible. Annoyingly, DH has been telling me on multiple occasions that I should do some exercise, which feels very much like a dig at me and that he's insinuating that I'm fat. Not sure whether I'm being over sensitive.

It is rubbish isn't it? I'm at least a dress size bigger, I had lost 3 stone a few years back and have mostly kept it off so I feel like I'm rolling back down a hill I was very proud to have climbed up. I'm actually having the opposite problem with DH, he's worried about me starting to obsess about my weight and doing too much exercise... fat (ahaha) chance of that right now!

Perhaps we can egg each other on on the exercise side :) Perhaps you could pick a day this week to goand do a session of whatever exercise is your bag? Or take DH out for a walk weather permitting? I'm actually planning to do the same!
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