Good look to mrs_cookie and props to GG for her top field dtd adventure, that's far more exciting than any of my dtd stories, I obviously need to up my game.
Well, I'm now fully into the tww, I'm determined (again) not to test early, but at least my cycle is back to normal now after the miscarriage... I've set a countdown on my clock to the day *after* I expect AF. The idea being that I can look at it and reason with myself that's it's really not that long to wait and I could risk false negatives or disappointment if I do it earlier...we'll see how that pans out!
In the mean time I'm planning to distract myself by getting back to my running, I put some weight on whilst I was pregnant due to being worried and then continued to put some weight on during and after the mc because I felt miserable. I'm going to try and focus on getting healthy and as fit as I was again, because if I *do* catch this cycle I'll feel great, but if I don't catch and I've spent another month slobbing about I'll just feel worse.
Time to strap on my trainers