***August Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!!***

I know how you feel alexis, so heartbreaking each month, when she arrives this month unless she decides to skip it seen as is august on Friday me and oh are taking a break from it till after new year cos weve had this for 18 months now and we emotionally need a break from it xx

Yeah we are only at 8 months trying and I feel it's toll. DH isn't up nor down. He keeps saying 'it will happen soon' but I have lost all faith now. I went from charting everything to nothing but hasnt helped really. Every time the witch shoes up am in floods of tears.

Had to hold them back tonight as had my 1st weigh in ay slimming world and loat 6lb of the 19lbs I wamt to loose so I feel my best.

Wow that's half a stone lost almost, I hope this worry isn't going to make you ill my lovely why don't you just have a month off if af comes this month forget about it all for a month and then try again you need to have something else to focus on, I know that's why me and oh are putting it on hold if she shows for us big hugs xx

I think sometimes there is a point where a break is needed. If it wasn't for the fact that they've just removed a bigger than expected polyp, we probably wouldn't have been far off!! As it stands, it's given us a new lease of life for now anyway! I think it's important to have an outlet though. Now I've started doing acupuncture, I'm definitely feeling better in myself but it's nice just to be able to talk about my feelings as it's not something I can often talk about openly. That in itself is more helpful than I ever thought it would be when I decided to give acupuncture a try.
Im posting in the august thread because I think most people are here who I've spoken to. There has been a few revellations in my relationship and we won't be getting back together. I think a few of you noticed the lack of support I was getting and anyway, he wanted a baby, but he didn't really want me. Sounds bizarre I know but that's how it is.
So no more ttc for me, I will check in with you all but not so often as I've so much to sort out now.
Much love to you all xxxx
I have brown d/c so af is only a matter of a day or so away. I broke down in tears again last night. I tried to call gp for appt but they had none to give me so to call back Monday morning and try. I just dont want to take a break when it just adds on more time. I feel really dizzy and lightheaded so not sure if thats the stress. I spoke to a old work friend last night who just had her 2nd baby and she saod they tried for 2 years for baby number 2 so made me feel a bit better that its not just me. I just wish I knew I would eventually have a baby but its tje thought of never that's haunting me and making me so sad. I wamt to discuss with gp my worries and ask for the scan of ovaries and my tubes. I asked DH about a break and he says we should keep going. Going to try loose this stone so am back to my really skinny body and maybe will help. Im trying everything I can. I might order more opks again and start trying them again. Just wish this dizziness would go away. I think I will give acupunture or reflexology a go too
Oh tree trunks I'm so sorry,must be such a tough time for you. Sending lots of love xx
:hugs: TT - this is horrible news, I am so sorry that you are going through this
:hugs: Alexis...I'm sorry for what you are going through as well...

:cry: TTC is hard
Gutted for you TT I really hope you will be ok and look after yourself to get your head round the whole thing, if you need us you know we are all here for you xx
I have brown d/c so af is only a matter of a day or so away. I broke down in tears again last night. I tried to call gp for appt but they had none to give me so to call back Monday morning and try. I just dont want to take a break when it just adds on more time. I feel really dizzy and lightheaded so not sure if thats the stress. I spoke to a old work friend last night who just had her 2nd baby and she saod they tried for 2 years for baby number 2 so made me feel a bit better that its not just me. I just wish I knew I would eventually have a baby but its tje thought of never that's haunting me and making me so sad. I wamt to discuss with gp my worries and ask for the scan of ovaries and my tubes. I asked DH about a break and he says we should keep going. Going to try loose this stone so am back to my really skinny body and maybe will help. Im trying everything I can. I might order more opks again and start trying them again. Just wish this dizziness would go away. I think I will give acupunture or reflexology a go too

Alexis - you sound like you're in a very similar place to where I was around the 8 month mark. I was crippling myself with the stress of it all, OH just didn't know what to do with me. I'm normally the organised, level headed one and it was a bit like "who is this person in my house!!" I knew I needed to do something as I just couldn't go on like that.

You sound like the sort of person who really needs answers so definitely keep pushing your GP. It definitely helped me overall to feel like I was doing something or finding out more information even if it hasn't been a totally smooth process and without hiccups. I'm still glad we went down the investigation route when we did.

Definitely give acupuncture or reflexology a try. Look for someone who specialises in fertility as I would never have expected to get as much out of the talking side of it. It just gives me somewhere to vent which is so helpful. Personally, I feel I've got more out of acupuncture but I enjoy both.

Keeping busy is also good just to take your mind off things. Now that we've had every test and procedure going for us, I definitely feel in a much better place emotionally. I sort of feel like they've fixed what they can fix!! Now we just have to keep trying and hope it happens for us. More importantly, I feel like I can deal with looking at our options if it doesn't. I'm not saying there won't be tears but I feel it will be a little more controlled!! Also, I really do believe that if we can handle the amount of crap we've been dealt over the past year then we really can handle anything! If I'm looking for positives, I do feel we're stronger as a couple.

I realise I've rambled a bit but I hope this helps a little.
I would second the accupub tire, the guy i see is amazing and very encouraging so was nice to have someone neutral to talk to, I used it for regulating cycles but also a real stress reliever and helps mentally with the monthly disappointment of AF x
Im posting in the august thread because I think most people are here who I've spoken to. There has been a few revellations in my relationship and we won't be getting back together. I think a few of you noticed the lack of support I was getting and anyway, he wanted a baby, but he didn't really want me. Sounds bizarre I know but that's how it is.
So no more ttc for me, I will check in with you all but not so often as I've so much to sort out now.
Much love to you all xxxx

Oh my goodness TT. Pming you. Xxx
So sprry to hear that TT. Life is so cruel hopefully you will find your real Prince soon. Thats af officially here right on time so on to September.
So sorry Treetrunks. In the long term it's much better to find the right person who loves you for you. I broke up with somene 12 years ago when we were on the verge of TTC. It's heart breaking and it must be so difficult for you now but I hope a brighter future awaits you down the road.

Alexis, sorry you are struggling. It is so stressful TTC. I'm sure it will help to get checked out and to lose the weight (as long as you don't get too thin as that can mess with fertility too). We have taken breaks when the stress got too much...we still ended up dtd but the pressure to conceive wasn't there.
Im posting in the august thread because I think most people are here who I've spoken to. There has been a few revellations in my relationship and we won't be getting back together. I think a few of you noticed the lack of support I was getting and anyway, he wanted a baby, but he didn't really want me. Sounds bizarre I know but that's how it is.
So no more ttc for me, I will check in with you all but not so often as I've so much to sort out now.
Much love to you all xxxx
Omg I'm so sorry :( sending big hugs!!!! Xx

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Also I kinda vanished . We decided to take a month off ttc and literally haven't had sex in a month.

I feel like our personal circumstances right now are making us less close :( it sucks x

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Sorry to hear that LuckyLaura :(

TTC can be so draining it really can take its toll on a relationship. I've known couples get torn apart by it. Hope you can find a way to reconnect.
Hi Laura and nice to hear from you. It is hard on relarionships- hope you guys are okay?
We have been together 11 years and through many bumps in tne road so I think we are pretty strong but I am taking the ttc journey harder than DH is ... I though af was here but just had 2 days of brown spotting. I feel so dizzy it's unreal. I normally get brown spotting for 2 days or so expecting af to arrive tmrw morn ...oh the joys. I am feeling SO cranky.
Sorry to hear that LuckyLaura :(

TTC can be so draining it really can take its toll on a relationship. I've known couples get torn apart by it. Hope you can find a way to reconnect.
Thank u :) I'm sure we will be fine hehe it's just hard as we have no privacy too where we are xx

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Hi Laura and nice to hear from you. It is hard on relarionships- hope you guys are okay?
We have been together 11 years and through many bumps in tne road so I think we are pretty strong but I am taking the ttc journey harder than DH is ... I though af was here but just had 2 days of brown spotting. I feel so dizzy it's unreal. I normally get brown spotting for 2 days or so expecting af to arrive tmrw morn ...oh the joys. I am feeling SO cranky.
Thanks! Hehe I think we are okay like we aren't arguing or on the verge of splitting. We just aren't as close. We usually tell each other everything but I keep finding out things from other people like my own mum lol like he will have something happen in work and not even mention it to me. We are living with my parents right now and it's having a huge toll on us x

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