***August Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!!***

Gosh I'm absolutely knackered today like Unusually tired. My legs feel like a ton weight. Also have 2 mouth ulcers making me feel miserable. Also got horrid nausea and a dry mouth. Anyway feel so rough I just took a pregnant test and bfn but to be fair it's probably too early anyway as I'm only cd22 today and last month I had a 36 day cycle but normal is 28 days!

Knowing my luck it'll be a virus...here's hoping it's not and instead a little person causing this lol

The tiredness could easily be a sign and interestingly, I had ulcers in my mouth last three cycles in the tww.

June and July, early bfp's but also early losses.

August, genuinely thought I was out after feeling some symptoms last week.
Negative frer this morning but...

Faint but easily seen line at just under 2 minutes on a 5 hour hold just now. Hard to pick up on flash but definitely a coloured line, so I'm preggers again at 10dpo/cd24.

Please please please let this one stick. Had a bloody beer last night and normal coffee this morning as I was so sure I was out, I wanted a couple of days normality with the good stuff before behaving again, lol!

Sore boobs this afternoon were enough to make me get some superdrug tests. If I have another chemical, I'll deal with it. Personally, I like that these tests let me know I have at least conceived. They were stark blank white negative after the mc so I have no problem believing this line! :)
Moomingirl, so sorry :(
Do you have to be put under general for a polyp removal?
Hope it goes well for you xx

Thanks Millie. I am having a general. The surgeon suggested a general as although it can be done under local, many women don't tolerate it to the point where it needs to be abandoned and needs to be done under a general anyway. I've been through so much that I just didn't want risk a failed procedure and face yet another wait. Also it would be such a waste of everyone's time. When I went to pre op, the nurse was lovely so I asked her if she saw people who 'failed' the local and she said definitely yes and even after delivering 3 children, she wouldn't have it done under a local. My mind was made up!! Also the surgeon will be able to get a proper look without having to worry about me being a bit of a wuss!
The in case pic was taken at just before 2 minutes and the opened one about 30 seconds later. Will test again with fmu tomorrow.

Can't believe it's been 3 cycles and 3 conceptions at age 38! Just need one to stick now. Had a sticky at 26, but lost that at week 14 so I won't relax any time soon. Dan is thrilled but, like me, not getting his hopes up!


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Sparrow - I've added you to the thread.

Just catching up with everyone else.

Good luck to everyone who's still hanging in there!! _GG_ - that's looking promising, keeping everything crossed for you!!

The worst days of AF are over for me now. Wasn't too bad this month really. Me and OH had a long talk about our next steps after the polyp removal. Glad to know we're on the same page. I'm the organiser so I always worry that I'm pushing him along and he's just agreeing with me. Good to know that's not the case.
Moomingirl, that makes sense, it's silly to have 2 attempts at the removal when they can get all over and done with in 1. Hope it's a quick recovery xx

Def see something there GG, but I'll never trust these tests lol
do you have a frer for the morning? Hopefully you'll get a better line with fmu xx
Sparrow - I've added you to the thread.

Just catching up with everyone else.

Good luck to everyone who's still hanging in there!! _GG_ - that's looking promising, keeping everything crossed for you!!

The worst days of AF are over for me now. Wasn't too bad this month really. Me and OH had a long talk about our next steps after the polyp removal. Glad to know we're on the same page. I'm the organiser so I always worry that I'm pushing him along and he's just agreeing with me. Good to know that's not the case.

He's probably happy for you to take the lead, my oh is. Doesn't mean he's not on the same page but as he puts it...the toll on me is physical as well as emotional so it should be me leading the way in what we do.

Yes, lines do look hopeful as I think I implanted later than last two cycles so was expecting it to be a squinter if anything.
It just seemed the better choice in the long run. The surgeon appeared to favour the general and I decided if I trust this person enough to remove it, then I should be trusting them enough on their advice about how it should be done! I'm hoping just to have a couple of days off work. Hoping that's not too optimistic? Any experiences with general would be great. Only had one when I got my appendix out but obviously that needed a lot more healing time.
It just seemed the better choice in the long run. The surgeon appeared to favour the general and I decided if I trust this person enough to remove it, then I should be trusting them enough on their advice about how it should be done! I'm hoping just to have a couple of days off work. Hoping that's not too optimistic? Any experiences with general would be great. Only had one when I got my appendix out but obviously that needed a lot more healing time.

We all react differently. It makes me very very sick, but 24 hours and I'm right as rain. Also depends on how long you'll be under! Xx
Thanks _GG_. I don't think I'll be under long. Maybe 20 minutes? I'm known to be a sickly sort so won't be surprised if I'm sick after. Think I'm just gonna take it as it comes. I can't really compare it to the appendix as it was an emergency and I was already really sick!
Thanks _GG_. I don't think I'll be under long. Maybe 20 minutes? I'm known to be a sickly sort so won't be surprised if I'm sick after. Think I'm just gonna take it as it comes. I can't really compare it to the appendix as it was an emergency and I was already really sick!

Then I'd expect a day clear afterwards to rest and let the ga leave your bloodstream and you'll be fit for work on the day after....so two days after the op.

Play it by ear though and if in doubt, rest for longer. Xx
[/QUOTE] He's probably happy for you to take the lead, my oh is. Doesn't mean he's not on the same page but as he puts it...the toll on me is physical as well as emotional so it should be me leading the way in what we do. [/QUOTE]

He's definitely happy for me to take the lead!! He knows if he was in charge, nothing would get done and I'd be an even bigger state than I already am!! I think we also both recognise that he's very much here and now whereas I'm all about the long game. He's just such a caring and thoughtful soul and I know he would do anything to make me happy. I just want to be sure that all the decisions are right for both of us.
The in case pic was taken at just before 2 minutes and the opened one about 30 seconds later. Will test again with fmu tomorrow.

Can't believe it's been 3 cycles and 3 conceptions at age 38! Just need one to stick now. Had a sticky at 26, but lost that at week 14 so I won't relax any time soon. Dan is thrilled but, like me, not getting his hopes up!

Ooh yeah I can see that one easily! Hoping it sticks for you lovely!
Hard not to get hopes up, mine are still up a little even though im spotting.
When are you next testing? Xxx
The in case pic was taken at just before 2 minutes and the opened one about 30 seconds later. Will test again with fmu tomorrow.

Can't believe it's been 3 cycles and 3 conceptions at age 38! Just need one to stick now. Had a sticky at 26, but lost that at week 14 so I won't relax any time soon. Dan is thrilled but, like me, not getting his hopes up!

Ooh yeah I can see that one easily! Hoping it sticks for you lovely!
Hard not to get hopes up, mine are still up a little even though im spotting.
When are you next testing? Xxx

If it's just spotting, I wouldn't lose hope either TT so fx for you too.

I'll test again in the morning as the tests are in the house now so slim chance I'll be able to resist now I've seen a line. It looked even better at 3 minutes xx
Yes it will get darker now overnight a bit too!! Well just keep thinking stick baby stick and hopefully we could have more BFPs this month. I wish I had an endless supply of tests! My frer from this morning is more obviously pink now, I know your not meant to judge from that but come on who doesn't get a little more excited when they dont have to squint to see the line? Xxx
Yes it will get darker now overnight a bit too!! Well just keep thinking stick baby stick and hopefully we could have more BFPs this month. I wish I had an endless supply of tests! My frer from this morning is more obviously pink now, I know your not meant to judge from that but come on who doesn't get a little more excited when they dont have to squint to see the line? Xxx

I've had tests that take a week to dry out, so it stands to reason and is also proven by the law of physics that the urine from the dip will continue to travel across the test strip until there's none left.

Now...this means that you could get a false faint positive if you read too much later on a sensitive test as it may just be due to enough hcg eventually passing over. But, if you already had a line, it makes perfect sense that it would get a bit darker xx
Morning ladies. Definite BFP tgis morning and I am very happy to see it, but won't start getting excited until I get positives on another test. Only 11dpo still and with my frer experience, not enough hcg yet to register...I think there may be a squinter on this mornings, but I ignore squinters.

However, I'm happy to have a decent line progression on the superdrug this morning. Yesterday's was on a 5hr hold and done in the evening. This mornings was less than 12 hours later and I had a lot of water last night so I was expecting a similar line, but it's actually much stronger and started to show at around 40 seconds.

Praying they keep getting better and don't start disappearing again.


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That's a lovely line GG fx this one sticks :-) xx
Ooh yeah GG no mistaking that line and a good progression!! You might get a positive Superdrug digital now as I did with that line? I think that's your strongest line yet?
I know that feeling!!! Going to be hard to concentrate on anything else today!!
Im still spotting, odd boob pains, little else. May test again if it disappears. Xxx
Show me the frer I will get my line spotting fix lol xxx

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