August mummies :)

I too have to take aspirin, took it my last pregnancy too as I had pre eclampsia with my first, it managed to work and my pre eclampsia was no where near as bad/controlled very well with 2nd :) I am usually very involved with the consultants too, but it’s like you say fine to know we are being looked after :) x
That’s a long way @Wilson14 in a day
Is that work related?

So you’re a Southerner too? :)

Just had my booking appointment and been told I’ll be consultant led :( suppose it means I’ll be looked after. Gotta take baby aspirin too from 12 weeks xx

Yep I'm a softy too lol! Yeh for work, we have guys all over the UK that I'm in charge of and one of them had an accident at work before Christmas so I've got to go and see him as he's back to work Monday, it's train though so not too bad, not like I'm driving.

What's the aspirin for out of interest?xx
They say that aspirin is to help with blood flow from the placenta, as far as I am aware. :) x
Mine is for pre eclampsia, so hopefully works same as last time :) I will get it at my appointment on Tuesday :) x
OMG I feel so awful today.
Woke up with a banging headache that I can’t shift and feel so sick.
Been in bed all morning and feel like I need to go back up.

Cant wait to start feeling better.

Hope everyone else is doing ok? xx
I’m either really lucky or not pregnant as I feel fine
Hi ladies,
Just thread hopping from September and wanted a little advice really. If you dont mind that is.
I am 6 weeks today and i was expecting to have my head down the toilet (wish i did tbh) and feel alot worse than i previously have.
My boobs don't feel as sore as they have been but they are lumpy and bumpy. I feel drained but i'm not falling asleep any earlier in the evenings?
I have a scan in 2 weeks time but i am driving myelf crazy thinking i should be having more symptoms than i have.
How was you all feeling at exactly 6 weeks? xx

@chattychar1990 i am thread hoping to see how Jac is getting on.

Am i seeing this right??? I am so unbelievably happy for you!!! I am so chuffed!!!!

Hope you are keeping okay xxxx
I feel like crap too mel so tierd all the time! And you are very lucky Wilson x
@chattychar1990 i am thread hoping to see how Jac is getting on.

Am i seeing this right??? I am so unbelievably happy for you!!! I am so chuffed!!!!

Hope you are keeping okay xxxx
@Nattles33 - Yes your seeing this correctly, its crazy right haha. I dont quite believe it myself either. Thank you so much for your kind words <3

Really hoping @Jac2019 checks in to let us all know she is okay xx
Hi all sorry been away off this. Been so unwell and last week had bleeding then spotting. Got an appointment with midwife today so still hoping all okay but never know. Hope everyone else is doing great and will try catch up later on all xxx
Hi all sorry been away off this. Been so unwell and last week had bleeding then spotting. Got an appointment with midwife today so still hoping all okay but never know. Hope everyone else is doing great and will try catch up later on all xxx

Lovely to hear from you Jac. Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell and had some bleeding. I will keep everything crossed for you and hope that your appointment goes well today.
Lovely to hear from you Jac. Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell and had some bleeding. I will keep everything crossed for you and hope that your appointment goes well today.
Thank you so much. How are you keeping. Hope everyone who I spoke to on here is doing well. Yeah just hit me hard think the last year of losing babies caught up with me and struggled but know nothing I can do. Hoping this is still our rainbow baby and still have some symptoms but here hoping all goes smoothly for everyone xxx
Thank you so much. How are you keeping. Hope everyone who I spoke to on here is doing well. Yeah just hit me hard think the last year of losing babies caught up with me and struggled but know nothing I can do. Hoping this is still our rainbow baby and still have some symptoms but here hoping all goes smoothly for everyone xxx
Jac, so glad you have checked in.
So sorry you have been feeling so rubbish and you have been experiencing some spotting. I hope it is nothing and your little rainbow is still snug in there. Massive hugs and will be thinking of you tomorrow. Please keep us updated xxx
Thank you all so much. Should have been on earlier but sometimes you just crawl into a ball. Not good I know but trying to get back to normal now. So so so happy for you @chattychar1990 still can't believe it. Best news I heard this year so far xxx
So pleased you’ve been back on Jac, it’s lovely to hear from you.

So sorry to hear you’ve had some spotting though. Keep us updated on how things go.

Thinking of you xx
Thank you so much. How are you keeping? Hope everyone who has had appointments it has gone well. Will try read up on everyone tonight and catch up. Xxx
An hour and half delay so was quite a quick appointment. As bleeding has stopped and no clots just to get scanned next week but if bleeding starts again to go up straight away... Also got to see my consultant who dealt with miscarriages, that I am pleased about as she took great care of me last time. Will try and read and catch up with everyone else's journey xxx
@chattychar1990 i am thread hoping to see how Jac is getting on.

Am i seeing this right??? I am so unbelievably happy for you!!! I am so chuffed!!!!

Hope you are keeping okay xxxx

Thank you for checking. How are you doing? hope you are doing okay. Not long to go for you, is it march? Next week when get scan and hope bleeding was nothing I will feel better... Xxx

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