August mummies :)

I know it’s so surreal, I have felt this way until my 12 week scan with each baby it’s then it hits me I think haha truthfully I just can’t wait for the months to speed up now as me and pregnancy don’t get on very well, would be lovely to be closer to having baby, but I also don’t want to wish the time away as I feel I should try and enjoy this pregnancy as it will be my last.
We will worry forever. I worry every single day about my daughter! And I will continue to worry about her and this little one until the day I die. That is just what being a parent is! They worry us before they are even born.

I know what you mean about wishing the time away. I just want to get to February, have my scan; let my daughter know and hopefully the nausea will get better. I want my bump, I want the reassurance of feeling movements. It’s so hard early on when we have no idea what is going on and really no way to tell.
what do you mean, do you think you may have missed a misscarrage? sure its not just nerves?
Just read all these stories about silent miscarriages and when you get to your scan there’s no heartbeat just worrying myself as always!!x
Got my second booking appointment today so going to speak to my midwife about it, having cramps this morning which is worrying me more, my bloated belly seems to have deflated, I've put on 2lb over Christmas that's all just don't feel pregnant anymore. :-(
Hey girls! Has anyone heard from jac? Worried about her because she’s not been posting! Private mailed but nothing xx
Mines 15th.x
Although last night and today I'm suffering with cramps which is worrying me, anyone else experiencing them?
Mines 14th :)

Wilson- Cramping I get it very regularly, between a very heavy feeling in my lower tummy, and a really bloated trapped wind pain that I have to sit with a heat bag on, I remember feeling this way with my others too, and it is such a worry but I think it’s normal as long as there’s no bleeding and that it’s not a severe pain. But that’s only what I read off google haha.

Really do hope jac is ok, thinking about her x
Mines 14th :)

Wilson- Cramping I get it very regularly, between a very heavy feeling in my lower tummy, and a really bloated trapped wind pain that I have to sit with a heat bag on, I remember feeling this way with my others too, and it is such a worry but I think it’s normal as long as there’s no bleeding and that it’s not a severe pain. But that’s only what I read off google haha.

Really do hope jac is ok, thinking about her x
Oh yours is the day before mine, so nervous about it. Thank you for the reassurance, yes I've had a lot of trapped wind but this feels like pulling and hurts when I get up and walk about. I'll just keep an eye on it til the end of the day and may ring my midwife if its still hanging around!xx
Yeh I know I am really nervous too, I think it does help that I had a scan already but I still feel it isn’t real, and yeh my pain quite often (even as we speak) is up the left hand side and is worse when I am moving about, sometimes I don’t want to straighten up as it makes me feel worse. I think it is a lot to do with my stomach and bowel as I have had quite bad diarrhea Tmi sorry, and that leads to a lot of pressure sort of feelings. But defiantly talk to midwife if still concerned as they will be far better to put your mind at rest. Xx
Sounds a lot like mine really, I have IBS so the gas side of things I really suffer with and I did eat quite a lot yesterday so that's probably why! I just need to learn to relax as regardless there is absolutely nothing I can do!xx
Strangely enough I have ibs as well, and I feel it goes one way or another, this pregnancy has brought me a very hard time at keeping anything in my body, wether it’s sickness or diarrhoea, my others were the opposite of you get me, so the pains of wind and bloating is awful, and I can only say that it’s prepared me very well for contractions in the past as when having an ibs attack it feels very similar to labour haha so silver linings I guess :) we just have to trust that all is well and what will be will be, but that is easier said than done. That’s why it’s so lovely to have this forum where we can speak to people going through the same things :) x
Strangely enough I have ibs as well, and I feel it goes one way or another, this pregnancy has brought me a very hard time at keeping anything in my body, wether it’s sickness or diarrhoea, my others were the opposite of you get me, so the pains of wind and bloating is awful, and I can only say that it’s prepared me very well for contractions in the past as when having an ibs attack it feels very similar to labour haha so silver linings I guess :) we just have to trust that all is well and what will be will be, but that is easier said than done. That’s why it’s so lovely to have this forum where we can speak to people going through the same things :) x
Exactly, no matter how much they tell you to avoid forums it makes it easier if you can bounce things off other people. My cramps have settled down, I've drunk a lot of water today so I'm hoping that's helped!xx
My first scan is Feb 3rd. I am counting down the days. I can’t wait to get to bed he second trimester. The first drags so much.

I still get a lot of cramps. A mix of stretching and pulling and now constipation, yay!
Yes I've been suffering with constipation rather than the other way round (which is more normal for me!) My cramps have stopped today but I've started feeling sick, seems all my symptoms are starting quite late, I've been lucky so far!!x

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