August mummies :)

I'm very tired all the time and after getting over all the colds and flus I've had I'm now on antibiotics. Doctor said my urine sample grew an infection I got them to re test because I'm fine grew the same thing. My mother suffers with kidney infections and I've had the odd infection years ago they said I'm a carrier and want to eradicate it. So for 3 days got to take 3 amoxicillin a day.... fun @Jac2019 be nice to hear your ok
I'm very tired all the time and after getting over all the colds and flus I've had I'm now on antibiotics. Doctor said my urine sample grew an infection I got them to re test because I'm fine grew the same thing. My mother suffers with kidney infections and I've had the odd infection years ago they said I'm a carrier and want to eradicate it. So for 3 days got to take 3 amoxicillin a day.... fun @Jac2019 be nice to hear your ok

Oh dear! You really don’t have much luck! I hope the antibiotics clear it up for you. I can’t imagine taking amoxicillin on top of having nausea and sickness is much fun at all. At least it’s only 3 days though and then hopefully you’re back to normal.
Oh dear! You really don’t have much luck! I hope the antibiotics clear it up for you. I can’t imagine taking amoxicillin on top of having nausea and sickness is much fun at all. At least it’s only 3 days though and then hopefully you’re back to normal.
i dont have the infection i just carry it its just making me more tierd lol cant wait fpr tri 2 im 10+6 so close
Also exhausted! I’m 9+3 today... tri 2 just seems so far away right now. I feel like I’ve been pregnant and ill forever!

Got my booking appointment tomorrow, so looking forward to the regular peeing in a tube!
It’s going so slow isn’t it !!! Honestly feel like it’s been forever and I’m only 8w6d .... why does 12w seem so far away! Must be even worse if you’ve been ill time must be dragging :-(.
Don’t get me started on the bloat .. my tummy looks huge. People at work must be guessing.

I feel like my next scan will be weeks away. I too feel like I’ve been pregnant forever xx
Hi ladies,
Just thread hopping from September and wanted a little advice really. If you dont mind that is.
I am 6 weeks today and i was expecting to have my head down the toilet (wish i did tbh) and feel alot worse than i previously have.
My boobs don't feel as sore as they have been but they are lumpy and bumpy. I feel drained but i'm not falling asleep any earlier in the evenings?
I have a scan in 2 weeks time but i am driving myelf crazy thinking i should be having more symptoms than i have.
How was you all feeling at exactly 6 weeks? xx
Hi ladies,
Just thread hopping from September and wanted a little advice really. If you dont mind that is.
I am 6 weeks today and i was expecting to have my head down the toilet (wish i did tbh) and feel alot worse than i previously have.
My boobs don't feel as sore as they have been but they are lumpy and bumpy. I feel drained but i'm not falling asleep any earlier in the evenings?
I have a scan in 2 weeks time but i am driving myelf crazy thinking i should be having more symptoms than i have.
How was you all feeling at exactly 6 weeks? xx

Everyone is different. In my last pregnancy I was totally fine, maybe a bit tired and peeing more, until about 6 1/2 to 7 weeks. This time I hit 5 weeks and have been awful ever since. Some woman never experience a day of sickness in their pregnancy.
Sorry hit sent too early!

You might get hit by more symptoms tomorrow or next week. I know it’s hard not to worry, especially if you’ve been trying for this baby for a long time.
Hi ladies,
Just thread hopping from September and wanted a little advice really. If you dont mind that is.
I am 6 weeks today and i was expecting to have my head down the toilet (wish i did tbh) and feel alot worse than i previously have.
My boobs don't feel as sore as they have been but they are lumpy and bumpy. I feel drained but i'm not falling asleep any earlier in the evenings?
I have a scan in 2 weeks time but i am driving myelf crazy thinking i should be having more symptoms than i have.
How was you all feeling at exactly 6 weeks? xx
I feel hardly anything! I’ve not been or felt sick at all, my boobs are sore and I’m more hungry then I ever have been but that’s it. I don’t have any blazing signs and could quite easily think I’m not pregnant but I’m just counting myself as one of those lucky ones that don’t spend every day being sick! I have the same worries you’re not alone xx
@chattychar1990 symptoms quite often come and go hun. I’d really try not to worry.
I felt sick the the first 3 weeks and now all of a sudden it’s gone. I’m trying not to worry too haha.

Hope you’re doing ok xx
I feel hardly anything! I’ve not been or felt sick at all, my boobs are sore and I’m more hungry then I ever have been but that’s it. I don’t have any blazing signs and could quite easily think I’m not pregnant but I’m just counting myself as one of those lucky ones that don’t spend every day being sick! I have the same worries you’re not alone xx
Yep I'm the same not had a lot of symptoms other than bloating, sore boobs and hunger! Scan next week so fingers crossed. It's so hard not to stress. I've had such a bad week I've been crying my eyes out today so feel completely drained and very very moody, so I know my hormones are all over the place.xx
Yeh i agree with everyone in that It can be so different with each pregnancy and each woman, I have been very sick in all of my good pregnancies so that’s normal for me. But my mum always never understood people who “moaned” about sickness until she saw me being pregnant, as she said other than her bump she would have never known she were pregnant. So just shows even in a close family pregnancy can be so different :) so please try not to worry, which is far easier said than done, but all we can do is try and stay positive, and wait for the time to pass :)
This is my 3rd baby and im one of those people thay every other pregnant woman hates haha. I dont get any symptoms at all im very lucky but at the same time it can be quite worrying as you dont feel pregnant. I have a private scan on sunday im so nervous/excited. Hope your all doing well x
Hi! Hope you don’t mind me jumping in! I’m new here, 8+2 with my first hope you’re all keeping well. It’s so good to read your comments and know that I’m not on my own. It’s hard as you can’t talk to many people at this stage. The tiredness and nausea are absolutely killing me, how are you all managing? Back to work this week has been so tough!
Hi ladies,
Just thread hopping from September and wanted a little advice really. If you dont mind that is.
I am 6 weeks today and i was expecting to have my head down the toilet (wish i did tbh) and feel alot worse than i previously have.
My boobs don't feel as sore as they have been but they are lumpy and bumpy. I feel drained but i'm not falling asleep any earlier in the evenings?
I have a scan in 2 weeks time but i am driving myelf crazy thinking i should be having more symptoms than i have.
How was you all feeling at exactly 6 weeks? xx
at 6 weeks i didnt have many syptoms at all just felt a little bit nausea now and again things went crazy from 8 weeks on wards sleeping all the time being sick upto 7 times a day boobs hurting ect, and thats still with me now im 12 weeks today
Hi! Hope you don’t mind me jumping in! I’m new here, 8+2 with my first hope you’re all keeping well. It’s so good to read your comments and know that I’m not on my own. It’s hard as you can’t talk to many people at this stage. The tiredness and nausea are absolutely killing me, how are you all managing? Back to work this week has been so tough!
Yep this week has been really tiring I'm ready for the weekend, I'm 11+4 today but got another busy week next week, Manchester Monday (there and back from Kent in a day), then office Tuesday, scan Wednesday - at last!!x
That’s a long way @Wilson14 in a day
Is that work related?

So you’re a Southerner too? :)

Just had my booking appointment and been told I’ll be consultant led :( suppose it means I’ll be looked after. Gotta take baby aspirin too from 12 weeks xx

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