August mummies :)

Leila :) thank you for replying it is such a difficult one for me as I know i should be getting checked out but I would have a problem with childcare as all my family works so I am vital to be home, I keep pushing myself to eat small bits and sip as much fluids as I can :) even if it does come back up haha I have my dating scan now on the 14th, and when I had my scan last time baby looked fine and doctors said it was just me that was the problem, I was very similar during my other pregnancies, I have a condition called POTS which makes everything a little more difficult too, so that coupled with the sickness is just a crappy combination. But judging by my others it does get better, so just counting down the days/weeks. Also where I live our hospital is very small so they are limited in the care the can give, so sometimes we have to be flown to the mainland which for me i need to reserve my time away from the kids for nearer the end as my body is just a pain with pregnancy from start to finish haha sorry another ramble but it’s nice to get it off my chest sometimes as even some family don’t seem to understand, luckily I have a supportive husband and mum so do have some people to offload my frustrations on haha :)
And yes I hope everybody’s feeling a little better :) we will get there ladies :) x
Oh bless you ladies, really hope things start improving soon for you all.

Since hitting 7 weeks last Friday the nausea and tiredness has well and truly hit. I’m literally feeling sick all day long and having to have a daily afternoon nap.
Don’t know how I’m going to cope next Mon when I’m back to work.

Us August Mummies and well and truly suffering xx
Hiya! I’m 8 +2 weeks and it’s my first pregnancy, I came looking for a forum like this one to understand pregnancy normalities, and to talk to people in the same boat as me :)
Hiya! I’m 8 +2 weeks and it’s my first pregnancy, I came looking for a forum like this one to understand pregnancy normalities, and to talk to people in the same boat as me :)
Welcome!! I’m 8 + 1 today so just behind you.

I had midwife on nye all went fine she’s requested my scan should get my date through next week sometime. Feels super real now just hope all goes well at scan!

Sorry to hear of those that are struggling honestly don’t even know how you’re getting through!!
Had bloods done, got my 1st scan on the 21st... I'll be 13 weeks by then! Ugh I want to see he/she/them NOWWWW!!! how does everyone else cope with the wait x
My scan is the 3rd Feb! I will be 13+1. I am ok with waiting really because I feel so ill I am almost certain everything is ok but really I just want to know for sure so I can tell my daughter. Been struggling with the nausea and looking after her. So will be nice to finally tell her and give her a reason as to why I’m ill. Plus I know how excited she’ll be!
I have my scan on the 14th at 13+1 too :) I am quite glad in a way as I fee it means it breaks up the time abit.

What age is your daughter mummybear, we told ours when I had been in the hospital as strangely my son has quite a fear of death, and was getting really scared about me, so I wanted to reassure him more than anything.

Still so excited and anxious to get my scan though but just hoping alls fine :)
I have my scan on the 14th at 13+1 too :) I am quite glad in a way as I fee it means it breaks up the time abit.

What age is your daughter mummybear, we told ours when I had been in the hospital as strangely my son has quite a fear of death, and was getting really scared about me, so I wanted to reassure him more than anything.

Still so excited and anxious to get my scan though but just hoping alls fine :)

She will be 4 next month. I think she’s getting worried about me always being unwell, she told me yesterday and my sister mentioned she said to her as well.
I would hate to tell her now and have something go wrong but at the same time it makes me sad that she’s having to worry over me.
Yeh I was kinda the same so scared in case something goes wrong but then for me I thought that really it’s never a given that all will be well even after the 12 week scan, and with having an early scan at just under 9 weeks have me a little more confidence. And there’s been a few nights he’s cried to me at bedtime about not wanting to die, which breaks my heart as he’s only just turned 5, but it’s amazing what they pick up on, and I guess he’s never seen me so sick, he’s certainly been more settled since we told him :) my younger girl is only two and a half, so doesn’t have much understanding, but has been so good it makes the guilt worse, if you know what I mean haha
I think that everything to do with pregnancy and children is hard, and it’s such a long wait for them too, nine months seems ages to us, so what it feels to them. But hopefully time flys, or we at least start to feel a little better :)
Hiya ladies how are we all doing? I have an awful rash. I started boxing day with it on my neck and the dr diagnosed a fungal infection. Since then its spread on my face, chest and my backs the worst. Its sooo itchy it must be pregnancy related.
Hiya ladies how are we all doing? I have an awful rash. I started boxing day with it on my neck and the dr diagnosed a fungal infection. Since then its spread on my face, chest and my backs the worst. Its sooo itchy it must be pregnancy related.
Oh gosh hope they can treat it!!
Have you tried any external medicine like savalon? Or germaline?

I'm finally almost illness free :-) throwing up is still a pain how is everyone else x
Oh gosh hope they can treat it!!
Have you tried any external medicine like savalon? Or germaline?

I'm finally almost illness free :) throwing up is still a pain how is everyone else x

Im glad your feeling better!
Ive not tried those no im scared of irritating it more. I cant wait for the drs to be open tomorrow x
Hi all, I’m beginning to get really nervous about a missed miscarriage with my scan coming up, I haven’t had a lot of symptoms so I’m panicking!!
Hi all, I’m beginning to get really nervous about a missed miscarriage with my scan coming up, I haven’t had a lot of symptoms so I’m panicking!!
what do you mean, do you think you may have missed a misscarrage? sure its not just nerves?
I think it’s natural to worry, I have my scan next Tuesday and have started panicking, even though I have severe sickness and nausea, and had a scan at 8+5 where we saw a heartbeat. I think that until baby is in our arms we worry, so all we can do is try and stay as calm as possible, and take each day as it comes. As hard as that is. X
i couldnt agree more apart from being ill it doesnt seem real x

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