*** August 2018 Mummies ***

Hey lovely ladies, mind if I join you?
My names Natalie and Im a mum to 2 wonderful boys who. are 6 and 7. I never dreamed in a million years I would be back here ever again...but I had, after a surprise BFP last week, we are expecting number 3 (the very very last one lol). Im an old hand over here on bnb and Im going to be an older mum this time 39 when the baby comes. Ive tested 23 times so far so Im definitely pregnant. Looking forward to getting to know you all and your bumps. I still have a good few amazing friends I met on here years ago so hoping to find another nice bunch of mums to share the journey with. Im very nervous about being pregnant as I didn't have great health in the last 2 and my boys were both premature so hoping this one goes better.
Welcome Natalie!

Purdiecat, I’m also 6 weeks tomorrow.

So glad I’m not alone with the waking up thing!
Hi Smileymelissa and Natalie, massive congratulations to you both!

PurdieCat I’m ready glad your ECG was all ok! Xx
What's everyone going for works Xmas nights out? In terms of hiding preg I mean? Usually I would drink but obv can't - mines is a week tomorrow! It's a medical practice I work for so can't use abx stories as they'll totall sus me lol x
I've got mine tomorrow and said I might drive because I've got loads to do on Saturday - which is sort of true I'm having my brows done! A few have said there busy too so not drinking much. Eugh I've got 1 more week at work before I break up its a slog! Xx
I said I was driving, which worked well. Not sure what I’ll say Saturday night as we are going to one of our neighbours’ house. Might say I’m on antibiotics - we’ll see!

What are people going to say on Christmas Day?
I'm going to my mums Xmas day so think I'm going to tell her x
Helloooo! I got my bfp yesterday and I'm due 17th August. Still early days but fingers crossed this one sticks ;)

Congrats everyone!! :D
I said I was driving, which worked well. Not sure what I’ll say Saturday night as we are going to one of our neighbours’ house. Might say I’m on antibiotics - we’ll see!

What are people going to say on Christmas Day?

I don't drink anyway so I'm safe ;) However.. my favourite thing that I indulge in at Christmas is patè, so I'm going to struggle to come up with an excuse as to why I'm not shovelling it in my face like I usually do :lol:
Massive congratulations Juice!

At my Christmas do I’m planning on telling people I’m drinking vodka and orange or vodka and lemonade, but obviously I’ll be without the vodka. As it’s colourless and odourless it should be a good cover. I just need to make sure I buy my own drinks and don’t take part in any rounds, which might make me look like a Scrooge, but hopefully people will be so preoccupied with that and moaning about me that they won’t question why!

I’m going to tell the people I’m spending Christmas Day with as I’ve got a feeling I’m going to be pretty rough with nausea if this week is anything to go by. I’ll be 8 weeks Christmas Day and apparently that’s when the sickness peaks! But I’m lucky that I only see my parents, grandma and brother and sister in law on Christmas Day so not too many people to have to tell.

I’ve got my booking in appointment on Monday (early because of Christmas) and my reassurance scan on Tuesday so everything is starting to feel very real!

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Hello August Mammies!! I got my BFP on Thursday, reckon I’m due around the 25th August! Congratulations to you all! I’m so excited! This tiredness is killing me , I’ve never felt anything like it!! Anyone have cramps / pains in their legs??
Hello wintergirl!! I was in bed by 8 last night so yes feeling tired ! Yeah it’s another level of tiredness!! It’s because your all your energy is growing this little bean! I don’t have cramps or pains in my legs but everyone’s symptoms are different! Mine is nausea and sickness! Xxx
Morning all! , have gone to Cornwall for the weekend and the nausea has hit me hard ! I’m around 6+2 weeks now and have my early scan this Thursday. Sure it’s all worth it :-/

Have my Christmas work do on Friday, may just spill the beans as A few have been speculating that I am anyway the past week or 2. All the doctors appointments and trips to the loo haven’t helped haha

Can’t wait to tell my mum and dad Christmas Day, i wish I had a fast forward button !
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie. I just got my BFP on Thursday after having a chemical pregnancy 2 months ago. So fingers crossed this one sticks!

Wintergirl, according to my app, I am also due on August 25th! Not looking forward to being heavily pregnant in the summer heat here...
Hi and massive congratulations Wintergirl and ZoeRoma! Wishing a happy and healthy 9 months to you both!

I’ve also been struggling with my nausea, I’ve barely moved all weekend. I still haven’t found anything that helps but have ordered an acupressure sea sickness band to see if that makes a difference.

I’ve got my booking in appointment tomorrow! I’m worried that I don’t know enough about OH’s family history, I don’t really get on with his parents and my husband’s not so great at remembering important details!

Hope everyone is having a nice chilled Sunday! Xx
Thank you, Nivetha! Sorry you're suffering with nausea. I'm just tired with sore boobs so far, but I guess that's because it's very early days.

I saw you're planning on drinking virgin vodka and orange over Christmas. Maybe I'll try the same. Otherwise it's going to be a big give-away to the inlaws lol!
Spent the weekend visiting friends and family been offered loads of drinks but just politey declined using my 5 month old as my excuse. Feel awful for having some mulled wine before i found out i was pregnant keep worrying i may have harmed baby.

Not been sleeping well and doubt i will tonight as we accidentally left ds1 stuffed monkey at the hotel and hes so upset keeps waking up crying that monkey is all alone. Hes being posted down to us tomorrow so hopefully should have it back in a few days.
Really fancied a Chinese tonight!!! Let’s just say it didn’t like me!!! This sickness is horrible! Xx
Aurora, I wouldn't worry - from what I've read, drinking in the very early days before you find out won't do the baby any harm. There's no direct link between you and the baby until around week 5, afaik. For what it's worth, I was on holiday CD12-18 and REALLY put some wine away. I think as long as you stop as soon as you get your BFP, it's fine.
Aurora- I drank before I knew too. I told the doctor and he wasn’t worried at all. I don’t think you should panic.

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