*** August 2018 Mummies ***

I'm going to tell my mum Xmas day I think but me and oh have a party night with friends tomorrow night so not sure how I can disguise the not drinking thing considering there is prosecco on arrival lol! It's a 3 course meal followed by dancing and on til 1am - slightly worried about the finishing time as I'm knackered today! Any great suggestions? I don't want them finding out just now x
Can you not drive and say you can’t drink because your driving and make up you have to do something really early the next morning so you chose to drive! Or tell them your on medication and cannot drink with it! Xx
I’m having another horrible evening of feeling and being sick! ��
I'm not a massive drinker as I'm quiet health conscious so when I went out last night and didn't drink no one noticed. My friends on the other hand if they turned down a drink I'd by asking questions straight away! Maybe you could hold your prosecco and your partner could drink it or just slowly lose it? X
Lol! I'm not a big drinker anymore - I've had one night out since my son was born lol! This night out was booked June and is walking distance from my house so can't drive and is with 4 super close friends and although close I still don't want them knowing yet if you know what I mean. I'm sure they will suspect something as I always said I would like 2 kids and they're probably thinking I'll be pregnant soon but yeh good idea I might hold arrival drink and get oh to drink on way down for dinner!

How is everyone feeling today?sorry to hear you are being sick Mexico x
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Definitely try and sneak the prosecco to your other half, and if they want to toast you could do such an elaborate ‘clink’ that you spill yours everywhere! I’m planning on drinking lots of ‘vodka’ & orange or ‘vodka’ & lemonade on my work Christmas do (just hold the vodka!), just hoping no-one offers to buy me a round!

Sorry you’ve been sick Mexico. I’m full of cold so think it’s distracting me from all other symptoms. Hope everyone is doing ok xx
Hi - found out last week that I am due 9th August. First time and I’m in my early 40s so feeling very anxious! Christmas is a rubbish time to have to pretend not to be pregnant!
Massive congratulations Red_eric!! I’m also expecting my first, I’m 36. It is really hard not to be anxious but at least we can all go through it together on here! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xx
Good evening ladies ! I also had a Christmas night last weekend with lots of friends and had to tell a little white lie, I said I had a urine infection and was on antibiotics! Haha worked a treat! I definitely miss the presecco! Going to miss port and cheese this Christmas too �� knowing my luck I’ll start getting nausea just in time for my Xmas dinner ! Haha

No new symptoms today, but boobs feeling heavier/more tender than usual. I’ve notice a few big blue veins appear too ! I have really big bust, I’m a 36 G so not looking forward to getting bigger :-/ Hopsital letter just came through too, 12 week scan booked for the 22nd Jan eeeeek so excited ! X hope yoi’re All ok xx
Wow Roniece that’s great you have your NHS scan date! Very exciting! I haven’t even registered with the Drs yet (due to bad experiences with my early losses) so perhaps need to get my act together!

The antibiotic excuse is a good one. I’m definitely going to miss a tipple on Xmas day and especially on New Years Eve as we go out and it’s usually the only way I get through it! I’ve also gone off chocolate since my BFP, which feels so wasteful during ‘chocolate season’!! And I’ll definitely need a nap after Christmas dinner this year! Xx
Oh gosh I can’t even imagine going off chocolate! Mind you, would do me the world of good! Ha
Yes I only recently registered with New GP as we’ve moved home. They put me straight in contact with midvives who arrange it all apparently ? It’s horrible when You have bad experiences with doctors , can really put you off for good :-(

I’m just hoping his Indian I have just eaten is going to stay down! I had the same with my first that’s how I found out I was pregnant, being sick! I seem to feel sick in the morning and at night! Been sick last few nights!! Now settling down to watch in a celebrity and putting the decks up while my little lady is sleeping!! She will be one in a few weeks! I am going to have two under two!!! Xx
Hi, I've just found out I'm expecting and due August 12th. I've already got a 6 year old son and honestly never imagined having a second due to my age and weight, but it's happened and we are so excited 😀
Hi SarahTwD, welcome and congratulations! Glad you’ve had a happy surprise :-)

How is the sickness today Mexico? I really feel for you as being sick is the worst and must be difficult with a little one to look after as well.

I’ve started to feel more nauseous the last two days, has anyone found anything that helps? Xx
So might night out went well. Held the prosecco and got my oh to take sips whilst I "checked my phone" - so it looked like I had drank it!! Then got oh to get me tia Maria and cokes but he got cokes! Worked a great and no one suspected anything! We had to walk home but was only a 5 min walk as obv couldn't say I had car lol!
My works night out is in 2 weeks but think I will just drive to that! When is everyone telling their works? We have a buiseness so I may have to tell my partners early on but they'll be sworn to secrecy and staff won't know x
Thanks, the nauseousness kicked in yesterday but luckily I'm not actually vomiting yet. It was horrendous with my son. Last time I found ginger biscuits helped but I can't bring myself to eat much at the moment xx
Ttc - glad the night out went well and you managed not to get sussed out! I’m not planning on telling my work until after 12 weeks but I reckon they’ll figure it out before then as they know about my previous losses and know I’m TTC. Some of my best friends at work have already figured it out as they got very in tune with my cycle!! I’ve just been promoted and start a manager position in January so hoping the news will still be well received by the big boss :shock:

Sarah- like you I’m finding that I don’t fancy eating but I also find that my nausea becomes more pronounced the longer it’s been since I’ve eaten! It’s really hard! I hope you have an easier time of it this time round.

Hope everyone is doing ok xx
I'm the same I'm having to eat every couple of hours to stop the nausea but don't really have an appetite. My lower backs hurting today and my boobs feel massive!! �� Xxx
Congratulations all! Yeah was sick last night. Don’t feel too bad at the moment! Hopefully I might be coming out the other side!! I have lower back ache too! I will be 7 weeks on Tuesday! Yeah it’s hard work when I have a little one to run around after and I work full time! My mum and dad look after my LG all week bless them!! I’m on countdown to January when it’s the 12 week scan!!! Xx
Yeah my boobs are feeling very tender and fuller. I've got my booking in app on 3rd Jan, soooo nervous xx

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