*** August 2018 Mummies ***

Hi i got a bfp today. I have 2 boys already.
Not sure what to think atm as i only gave birth in july.
According to ovia my due date is august 17
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Congratulations aurora! You are going to have your hands full. How old is your eldest! Makes me feel better knowing I’m not doing to be the only nutter with two under two!!! Xx
My eldest is 6. He was an august baby aswell.
I'm getting married in February gutted i wont get to have a glass of champagne on my wedding day but it will be worth it.

The top test was yesterday around midday so very faint.
The digital was this morning.
Congratulations to everyone who has added there due dates to the august Club!

I got my midwife appointment letters in today, first appointment on the 12th of January (what's this one for?)

My 12 week scan is on the 2nd of feb - I'll be 13 weeks by then :D

I have an ECG booked tomorrow at the doctors because my heartrate has been so high... I can feel it beating out my chest :shock: Blood test on weds too. All systems are go!

My nausea has been okay in the last week, but hitting me hard today!

I find nibbling on crackers every couple of hours really helps and Ginger Juice from H&B is a godsend - well worth a try if you are struggling!

Purdie the first is for your booking in appointment they take all your details and weigh you and they may take bloods. It’s al fine nothing to worry about.

I haven t booked my booking in appointment or my 12 week scan? My home birth midwife will come to between 9 and 10 weeks. I will be 7 weeks tomorrow! Sickness doesn’t seem as bad as what it was!just feel sick in waves!! Boobs feel huge but don’t hurt!! Xx
Congratulations Aurora!

PurdieCat that’s so exciting that you’ve got all your appointments through! I hope your ECG goes ok, keep us updated. I’ve noticed my heart really racing lately but I do experience anxiety often so putting it down to that.

Mexico I kept forgetting you’re having a home birth, it’s going to by so interesting watching your journey and seeing how it differs! Glad your sickness has eased up a little.

I’ve been feeling very emotional today, crying at literally everything (Christmas adverts are the worst!) I also have a dull period type sensation again today but guessing it’s just growing pains. The nausea and fatigue are in full swing and I’m starting to find my bra really uncomfortable! Xx
Congratulations Aurora!

PurdieCat that’s so exciting that you’ve got all your appointments through! I hope your ECG goes ok, keep us updated. I’ve noticed my heart really racing lately but I do experience anxiety often so putting it down to that.

I’ve been feeling very emotional today, crying at literally everything (Christmas adverts are the worst!) I also have a dull period type sensation again today but guessing it’s just growing pains. The nausea and fatigue are in full swing and I’m starting to find my bra really uncomfortable! Xx

Thanks Nivetha28, I think a racing heart rate is normal, but I had heart problems as a kid so they are probably just being cautious.

I walked into the baby department in John Lewis yesterday and started to cry... it suddenly felt really real! Defo feeling emosh! Im on the hunt for the perfect prego bra too, my puppies are not happy!! :lol:
Does anyone keep waking up really early - ie 3am - then is not able to go back to sleep? This has started happening to me recently.
Disrupted sleep is common in pregnancy!! I don’t experience this not until the last trimester normally as I get more uncomfortable. It’s all the changes occurring in your body. It will pass! Xx
I'm having vivid dreams and getting up to loo x2 so yeah sleep distrusted. Also doesn't help my 17 month is up some times too!!
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I’m the same TTC my daughter will be one last night and because we are still renovating she is still in with us and wakes me up a lot! Can’t believe she will be one next week! Only felt like yesterday I had her! Still really nauseous st night urghh.xx
Since I found out I was pregnant I’ve been waking up at 3 everyday needing the loo then struggling to get back to sleep. This is my first pregnancy. Last night though I didn’t wake up once yay! Xx
Hello ladies ! Definitely feeling your pain, I’m having vivid dreams, waking up randomly at like 3/4am , needing the loo, then struggling to fall back asleep. Definitely not what I expected being only 6 weeks pregnant ?

Think nausea is slowly creeping up on me too. Couldn’t stomach my lunch today as the smell made me feel sick. Joy!

Roll on 12 weeks when this all gets easier haha
I just couldn't stomach my tea tonight. Smell made me feel sick so I've not had anything to eat. It's weird..I feel hungry but don't fancy anything! I'm only 5+2 and I'm pretty sure I didn't feel like this before 8 weeks with my son!
Yep early morning wake ups is becoming my thing too! I’ve actually always had vivid dreaming and even lucid dreaming (where you know you’re dreaming and can control what happens) since a child, so that’s not new to me, but waking constantly at 3/4am is annoying!

The nausea has definitely revved up a gear too, almost as soon as I officially hit 6 weeks! xx
Ttc I am exactly the same haven’t eaten since lunch and feel sick as a dog! Have a little chicken stew out there but can’t stomach it! Feel so sick! I’m just over 7 weeks! I had sickness with my LG but don’t remember feeling it as much as this! It comes in waves one minute I’m fine the next feel awful! Xx
Hiya everyone :) i'm new to this site so nice to be able to hear from mummies due in August too :) I'm due 19th Aug - 4 weeks 3 days today woop woop!

Hiya everyone :) i'm new to this site so nice to be able to hear from mummies due in August too :) I'm due 19th Aug - 4 weeks 3 days today woop woop!


Congratulations and welcome to the thread Melissa!

Im so glad I'm not the only one waking up in the night and not getting back to sleep, its been driving me mad, I didn't think it was a pregnancy symptom... but there you go!

I had my ECG today at the doctors and apparently its all normal so no worries there.

I'm 6 weeks tomorrow and the nausea has gotten so bad. I had two duvet days this week :oooo:
I am feeling really guilty because I work from home and NOTHING is getting done. I really feel for ladies who have to get up and go out to work in the morning, hats off to you girls!

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