*** August 2018 Mummies ***

I’m so very sorry Aurora, I hope that you get on well at your counselling and that it helps. Look after yourself xx
So sorry Aurora, lots of love xx
Aww aurora, I am so so sorry to hear that. Sending you all the hugs <3
I'm so sorry to hear your news Aurora, sending you lots of love x
Hello everyone. I haven&#8217;t posted on here in weeks because I&#8217;ve been so unwell. I&#8217;ve found the last 8 weeks really challenging due to severe nausea. Worse than my first pregnant. I also got flu over Xmas so I was in my bed for two weeks and had to get my parents to watch my son. Then I had spotting on wiping for 3 weeks which scared me so bad so I got an early scan at 8 weeks. Anyway had my booking scan yesterday and everything ok (such a relief I tell you) and I&#8217;m 13+1 so due date changed to 9th August. Nausea still bad but mornings slightly better than afternoons. I feel really guilty I&#8217;ve not spent much time with my 18 mo th old but my husband has been fab with him!
Anyway ladies I&#8217;ll try keep you guys updated :-) xx
Sorry to hear that Aurora. Look after yourself.

Glad everything ok TTC1234 got my scan on Friday and it can't come quick enough as other than the tiredness my symptoms have pretty much disappeared.

Hope everyone else feeling ok.
Had an emergency scan this morning because I was bleeding. Baby is measuring perfectly and has a nice healthy heartbeat. I feel so lucky! I was so sure something was wrong!
Glad to hear all ok juice.

I am at that panic stage now where the scan is so close and I keep trying to contain my excitement in case anything is wrong. 12 weeks tomorrow and scan on Friday.
Wow quiet from us August mummies. Everyone ok?

Had my scan on Friday. All well with baby from what we could see but was being difficult and despite trying externally and having an internal scan (thank god I tidied up down there, lol) still struggled to get many measurements. Feel much better having heard the heartbeat and seen that all was ok with the baby though. My next appointment will be for my 16 week GTT. not looking forward to that one.
Wow quiet from us August mummies. Everyone ok?

Had my scan on Friday. All well with baby from what we could see but was being difficult and despite trying externally and having an internal scan (thank god I tidied up down there, lol) still struggled to get many measurements. Feel much better having heard the heartbeat and seen that all was ok with the baby though. My next appointment will be for my 16 week GTT. not looking forward to that one.

We’ve all jumped across to the tri 2 thread! Come join us! I’m glad your scan went well, good luck for you GTT xx
Wow quiet from us August mummies. Everyone ok?

Had my scan on Friday. All well with baby from what we could see but was being difficult and despite trying externally and having an internal scan (thank god I tidied up down there, lol) still struggled to get many measurements. Feel much better having heard the heartbeat and seen that all was ok with the baby though. My next appointment will be for my 16 week GTT. not looking forward to that one.

We&#8217;ve all jumped across to the tri 2 thread! Come join us! I&#8217;m glad your scan went well, good luck for you GTT xx

I'm still here :) Glad you had your Scan all went well. I bet it was fab hearing the heartbeat and seeing all is okay. I have my scan at 13 weeks + 1 next Tuesday. I'm so excited! Xx
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