*** August 2018 Mummies ***

Hi all ! So had my scan today and all when really well, they thought there may be 2 at first but turns out it was just my sac haha (phew)

I’m 6weeks 5days so I’m due Aug 11th now , littler later than expected. Heart beat was 132 bpm which she said was very strong. I’m so excited , and relieved ! Xx


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Hi all ! So had my scan today and all when really well, they thought there may be 2 at first but turns out it was just my sac haha (phew)

I’m 6weeks 5days so I’m due Aug 11th now , littler later than expected. Heart beat was 132 bpm which she said was very strong. I’m so excited , and relieved ! Xx

Aw wow congratulations! How amazing is that, so glad all is ok xx
Aww congratulations Roniece. Strong little HB
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Morning all, just wondering if anyone has got their 12 weeks scan booked yet? My home birth midwife is not back until the new year so going to have my booking in appointment in January and then we will book the scan for mid January hopefully! I’m still being sick! How is everyone else feeling? Do you know what has crossed my mind.... twins! I don’t think they are in the family and I don’t know why I thought of it but my dad also mentioned it! I can’t have 3 under 2! Hopefully there is one healthy bean in there!! Is anyone finding out the sex at their second scan? We have decided to remain yellow again!! Xxxx
I don't see my midwife until 3rd January so no 12 week scan booked yet for me. I'm feeling so nauseous at the moment, even the seabands aren't working and they were a godsend with my son. I'm having trouble sleeping too, woke up for the loo at 3am and haven't been able to get back to sleep since even though I am shattered.

Has any of you that already have LO's told them yet? My son is 6 and he's been asking for a baby brother or sister for the past year so I am soooo eager to tell him but am holding off until 12 week scan as I'm so scared this time round with my age (36) and my weight issues, I was obese when I had DS and am almost 3 stone heavier than when I had him so definitely high risk :sad:
I had my booking in appointment last week and so have my scan date for 25th January, very exciting!

Mexico- have you been to your GP about your sickness? Sounds like you’ve really been suffering. Twins is a possibility and if your GP thought that they could probably send you for an early scan like they did for Purdiecat. Were you this sick in your previous pregnancy?

SarahTWD- this is my first so I don’t have the dilemma of when to tell children, it must be really hard. I’m the same age as you though and also on paper I’m considered a higher risk because of my weight but my midwife wasn’t concerned at all when I saw her.

Hope everyone is doing ok xx
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I had a bit of sickness with my first but nothing lik this! Feeling sick every day at all times of the day morning, middle of thE day and when I go to bed! So there is no pattern! With my first I only felt sick in the evening but not everyday and I wasn’t as sick as I am this time! I have mentioned it to the midwife or GP. I haven t even been to my gp! I feel a lot bigger this time already! I had to go for growth scans in my last pregnancy as I was measuring small. That’s why I was induced in the end because her growth had tailed off. She was 6lb 9.5 born. I might just see how I go over the Christmas break. I’m not sick everyday just feel sick everyday! Urghh!! How exciting you have your scan booked! I also had the 4d scan with my first too! Have you thought about whether you will have that? Xx
I’m 32 looks like a few of us are older mummies! I couldn’t of had kids in my 20’s I wasn’t patient enough xx
I’m 32 looks like a few of us are older mummies! I couldn’t of had kids in my 20’s I wasn’t patient enough xx

No chance lol! When I was younger I always said I wanted a baby at 25. I wouldn't have been able to cope. I was 29 when I had my DS and I'll be just 37 when I have bub, my Birthday is August 3rd and I'm due on the 12th :)
I have my booking in with midwife on 8th Jan and scan 24th.

My birthday will be 8th Jan and I’ll be 42! I am a bit worried about that...
What an exciting January we all have!! Merry Christmas to all the August mummies and little beans cooking!! What a fabulous Christmas knowing we are growing the most precious gift anyone can give you! Xxxx
Mexico I'm feeling really sick all day too - it doesn't let up at all. With my last pregnant I didn't feel sick until 8 weeks and was mainly at night - was able to function during the day but this time is way worse - I've been in my bed the last two days feeling awful and feel terrible tomorrow is Xmas day and I'll no doubt not be able to enjoy it! I'm hoping things ease soon..I'm not sure what to do with myself x
I've got my booking appointment for 10th Jan. No idea when scan will be probably 2-3 weeks after that!
Merry Christmas everyone! Hoping no one felt too rough yesterday!! Xx
Merry Christmas. I've slept for most of the past few days lol

I think I have finally found something that eases my nausea!

Buxton sparkling water. Seems to really hold it off. I have been feeling so much better the last 4 days... defo worth a try :)

I got my first ever BFP on 23rd December......best Christmas present I could have asked for!

I am not sure what my due date will be yet but looking on line to one of those calculators it says 30th August, so please can you add me?

I have to say I am so excited but really nervous because I am still very early.

Just realised this is my very first post in “first trimester” still can’t believe I am here!


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